Genetics is a scary science. I see a lot of reversal of genetic advancement naturally though. Take the Hollywood crowd for instance. All silicone these people make themselves artificially pleasant then breed inferior genes. Pretty soon Natural big tits are virtually out of the gene pool. Seems like what you are creating is people with bad genes but a work around for the problem via genetic engineering. However none of this is inheritable. In the end the commoners have better genes.
Joe, your example is flawed on so many levels. 1. Big tits doesn't actually have anything to do with genetic superiority. Hate to break it to you. 2. "Hollywood people" have, relatively speaking, very few children compared to the rest of the population. 3. "Hollywood people" are a miniscule percentage of the overall population. 4. Genetic engineering and plastic surgery are not related sciences. 5. Genetic modifications are, by definition, inheritable as long as they don't interfere with reproduction. 6. The "commoners" are the borderline retarded Walmart masses in the midwest, with 102 IQs, huge tits, a body-mass-index of 60, and 8 kids.
Did not say it did tits are just one example as well as using Hollywood. It has to do with natural selection. Let’s take for example extreme cases of acne. Normally that gene is naturally weeded out of the pool. However genes are manipulated at a young age to prevent extreme acne. So the recessive carrier of extreme acne is back in the pool where normally through natural selection they would not. I have not studied genetic science but it is my impression that manipulating the DNA chain on an individual does not however manipulate the DNA chain that is passed on through their sperm cell or a female egg. That would flaw my theory but then I am just speculating. And if science says they know well then let me say they are full of it. They may know more and with greater certainty in the future but at this time they don’t know shit. Also certainly manipulating natural selection is manipulating the gene pool. No flaw there. As for middle America people and the fact that it is PC to be a bigot and make comments like that. Yawn you’re boring me.
LOL! Maybe you can cite some science to back that refuckingtarculous statement up. no shit? I couldn't tell. Speculating, and wrong. You are confusing cellular manipulation with DNA manipulation. On that, at least, we agree. It has nothing to do with PC-ness, it's that it's fucking true. And it's everywhere, not just the Midwest... have you ever been to a mall? The skin colors may vary, but one thing holds constant... trash breed trash, and they do it without the "benefit" of genetic manipulation. How can you be singing the truths of Idiocracy one day and then decrying the same observation the next as "PC bigotry"? Get a fucking position and stick to it. Wishy washy bullshit.
I do not need scientific studies it’s common sense Lola. I have little respect for the sensational media publicity about the scientific community. There is a huge disconnect between real scientific reasoning and the sensationalism science consumed by the masses. Pick you’re city of choice in any coastal state and I can show you the same inbreeds that's what I am talking about. It certainly is easy to convince people that they are somehow special though. I suppose North westerners are more susceptible then most. Honestly Lola consider you’re average web forum poster and there you have it what Wal-Mart people do when they are at home. I'm sure there is a certian amount of reality in the artical and then some serious flaws. There may be some flaws in my perceptions but let me ask you. Do you just totally disagree with my points while accepting those stated?
Try typing this again when you're sober and we might have something to talk about... right now it's not really decipherable. BTW dude, don't read into what I say. I challenged your example because it was flawed. Maybe if you clarify your point or come up with a better example, we'll even agree. I'm not emotionally invested either way.
Please think about this statement for five seconds. You are talking about the heritability of modified DNA. THINK MAN, THINK. BTW I live in a self-imposed media brownout, I don't watch TV or read newspapers, so when you talk about media sensationalism I have no fucking idea what you're on about.
Media of all sorts including internet. As for heritability of modified DNA. Science is having a hard time figuring out what causes gene traits to skip a number of generations and then to pop back up. My common sense tells me that even if they manage to impress themselves by getting it right in one generation there is no telling what the effects may be five generations gown the line. Just try real hard to concentrate I'm sure you have a bit of common sense yourself Lola so you can figure it out. And try not to let your hormones get in the way this time.
There is no such thing as common sense, only as applied experience. You stated categorically, in your borderline incoherent post, that DNA modification is not heritable. You are wrong, as a categorical statement. That has nothing to do with whether modified DNA expresses itself in each succeeding generation. Have you ever actually read a book on genetics? You might try it, it could be fun and it would definitely make you sound less like an ignorant twat. As for internet counting as media, yes, you blithering inverted penis of a genetic experiment gone wrong, it does. So do books and radio. There is a reason I used the word "brownout" instead of "blackout". I just try to use a reasonable amount of discrimination and skepticism when I expose myself to information.
Ah I see while studying to be a physicist at the local community collage along the way you have acquired the status of being a geneticist. What’s that? You’re not a geneticist? And you are categorically stating you’re opinion? You think? You definitely have some issues Lola how about chilling out. I could take apart your last post bit by bit you are wrong on so many levels. As I have seen however you can certainly wear someone down post after post indefinitely. Re-read the thread and see the error of you’re ways.