This thread is an open (minded) investigation into the subject. In other words, don't turn it into a smug/sarcy 'you're wrong - i'm right' dick measuring contest. "The height in feet (1,776ft) is symbolic"... Very...
I'll get back to you on this one. Seems we may have found something to talk about that we may actually agree on. A little.
Long history of widow's sons in my family Nursey. I wanted to know a little too much before I was willing to be led around blindfolded with a noose around my neck. I found out all I needed to know, and have spoke openly against the Mason's for a long time. It has cost me dearly. The cult of Freemasonry is an evil assault on the souls of men. The part that makes me so angry is that 98% of the people who proudly hide their generative principle behind a lambskin have no clue what is really going on around them. More later. My blood boileth.
So far, we agree. But what are your reasons? Because if we were in full agreement, i would expect your political views to be in line with my own.
I am not really answering your question - just rambling. (please avoid the obvious comeback that would say something like, " as you always do.") The first two columns of the new "Freedom Towers" are the modern day equivalent of a cornerstone laying. Freemasons have laid the cornerstones for a multitude of projects. There is no question in my mind of the symbolism. Did you notice that the length vs the girth matches the proportions of the Washington Monument? Mason's are big on Phallic symbols, hence I am sure there was much hoopla when these symbols were "erected" It sounds like a stretch to say that, unless you do a little research and find it happens over and over again. One of the commands in the initiation right is for the hapless and bewildered initiate to "stand erect." I've seen it. I know for sure. The history of Phallic worship goes back forever - In the book of Daniel 3:1 (Bible) a statue of gold was "erected" that was built on a 10-1 scale - 9 feet base, 90 feet tall. History points that this "image" was a huge erect penis. Interesting that the Washington Monument is 550 feet tall and has a 55 foot base. The repeated numbers do have meaning. I would bet the freedom columns have the same proportions. Freemasonry is dangerous for more reasons that I can list here. I'll write more when I calm down. In the mean time, here is the great secret of Masonry - told only to the highest levels of those "who look only for "more light." The great secret? Well the great secret is that there is no secret. The illumination that is promised at the end of journey is really just another series of unanswered questions. Freemasonry is the biggest elitest scam on earth - deceiving millions to fund and perform the whims of a few.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes...the dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice, Nursey and Barry agreeing - mass hysteria. Goodbye, cruel world! :'(
We do this for a day or two every year around Christmas. Same respect that Red Barron gave to Snopy when he heard the bells below.
The Khazars (before they converted to Judaism) were into phallus worship. And a supreme masonic courthouse was recently built in Jerusalem funded by the Rothschilds. Just saying. Do you really think all that power has been harnassed throughout the centuries for nothing? That ultimately, it just evaporates off into the ethers? Aren't you perhaps only seeing the network/structure up to the cut off point...i.e. you are forgetting to to include the 'crystal capstone' of the pyramid in your view. The 'All Seeing Eye' at the pinnacle of power where the super elite the Rothschild's and other money worshipping, well, Lucifarians!? get up to no good.
This is probably where we drift apart in opinion, but Christmas is over, so .... I personally believe that an Evil Force of some kind - call it or him Satan, The Devil, Lucifer, or whatever. I don't believe that he has a pitchfork and horns, or even a body for that matter. "He" is most likely a spiritual being or an opposing force to "Good." He may be the collective mind of man or something, I don't know. It is this force that drives the minds of many powerful people. Since this spiritual force has only one plan, yet many players, it looks like there is a grand conspiracy between men such as the Rothchild's et al. The truth is, THEY are also pawns. There is only one real player, and he is not a human. My point is this - if you ended Freemasonry, or exposed the hidden efforts of the elite, it won't change anything. Others men or other orders would rise to fill the void. The Bible says it this way - " For we don't wrestle with flesh and blood, but with principalities, and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places."
Actually, Christmas isn't over yet, and it may surprise you to hear that i tend to agree. But i think it is the force which drives the minds of ALL the most powerful people, with the odd exception maybe.
Have you ever considerded that to be a "powerful person", you must be the type of person that is "pawn material?" In other words, Narcissistic, elitist, egocentric, grandiose, supremist, etc..
That's what i meant in another thread about 'the people who want power the most are the very ones who shouldn't have it'.
Freemasonry Is A Criminal Organization A Freemason is a person who knowingly destroys peoples lives for self gain. Freemasons portray themselves as a good charitable fraternity of men. They own the media so they get to say what they want. They have infiltrated all of society. It is nothing less than an international money making scam (same as the crooked pyramid schemes). Did you know that the ninth degree Masons take their vows to kill for Freemasonry ???? some charity. Masons are also the NWO's foot-soldiers. All secret societies, orders and cults are as one (intertwined) with this evil human virus called "Freemasonry". In defence of most Masons, they were conned in the first place. They were led to believe it was a good fraternity of men, then they were hoodwinked and threatened with violence. If they had known this before they joined, nobody would have gone anywhere near them. Masons are trapped into this extreme evil, they are too scared to talk freely. They have become FM slaves and most have become crooked benefactors. This information is brought to you by Second Family (UK), a support/pressure group for victims of Freemasonry. We are not a hate or revenge group, only peaceful campaign for change and to educate 90% of the world. One Mason will lead you to all other Masons in business/politics/authorities and at social events, engagements, weddings and funerals. We at SF recently contacted UGLE (United Grand Lodge of England) and GLOS (grand Lodge of Scotland) and the top Masons at Rosslyn Chapel and others. We invited this "good charitable fraternity of men" to talk to talk to their victims in front of a live audience and cameras, no response. SF's offer is still available. If you are happy being controlled by a criminal organisation, you can either sit and take it (colony of cash generators for Freemasonry) or you can join/support Second Family (UK) to fight for your future and freedom. We all have to expose these crooks to everyone, please copy/send/distribute/fax/email this information to as many people as possible. In the public interest Did you know that your local Masonic Lodge and the Lodges within the authorities (council/police) are all houses of corruption ? We pay for these. SF have overwhelming proof. Did you also know that "Freemasons Are The Ultimate Criminal Cowards" ?, They collectively persecute people in a way that only the "Masonic Perps" (perpetrators) and their victim know what's happening. Freemasonry uses all races, old and young people, women (Eastern Star - female Masons). When you talk to a Mason, you are talking to two people. This could be your immediate family, best friend, Politician, Doctor, Police, Judge, Armed Forces, Barrister, Emergency Services, etc. Do you think it's right that the Masons are above or abuse the law ???? We at SF have plans to put all victims stories online (no holds barred) for the whole world to see. If you are a crooked Mason and you don't want a mention, you can join or support SF. This will help us to change the world into a better place. We are not into revenge. The practice of Freemasonry must be stopped. How can a person ever trust another fellow human being after learning about this evil ? Society is rotten to the core with this poison. Here are the Masons symbolic (occultic) numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 33, 39, 66, 333, 555, 666, 777 and multiples of these, i.e, 956 = 9/11 or 758 = 7/13 or 344 = 3/11 etc. Masons will live at these numbers or in their phone numbers or vehicle registrations. Lots more on how to spot the crooked Masons in our regular free newsletters. Freemasons are the invisible terrorists within the local community. They could literally clear up crime in 24 hours with the technology available. We pay for it and they get to abuse it. Did you know that 90% of Taxi Drivers are Masons. They see, hear and relay all movement and conversation straight back to the Lodge. Forget worrying about the I.D. cards and eventual Microchip, your mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag. They already know your every move and calls since you bought one. Now, don't get us wrong, we all need security and we do respect the non-Masonic government officials and non-Masonic professional people. Freemasonry is illegal under International Law, Humanitarian Law and Common Sense Law. We at SF have started sending this information to the neighbours of Masons. We fully intend to name and shame all Masons to their families, friends, neighbours, colleagues and relatives. The FM perpetrators, infiltrators and spoilers deserve their name to go down in history as the most evil, vile, despicable things that ever breathed on this planet. They do not like us doing this, but then, Masons don't mind secretly destroying families for self gain. It is seriously in the public interest to ban the practice of Secret Societies. You, your family and the planets immediate future depends on your knowledge or ignorance. open your eyes. Freemasonry is such a wonderful organisation and they say they do good in the community (illusion) OK, why do the members have to pay ? why the secrets ? why the evil divide and conquer tactics ? why the vicious fabricated rumours by getting Masons and non-Masons to hate a local targeted victim ? (all local evil Masons watch the victim and their family being destroyed). Masons also say the victim is a brother "gone wrong" so that all the local "pretend brothers" will collectively persecute. This is undiluted evil and can easily be let loose on anyone, top Mason or not. Why can't good be done for free ? Why not the whole community ? instead of chosen candidates (Masons cherry pick their slaves). Second Family (UK) is "FREE" to all. A Freemason is a fool and a tool to be used by the establishment. There are 5 million Masons worldwide paying money (crooked Masonic businesses pay lots more) to the very wealthy American/Israelis families. This is where the gigantic amounts of cash go every week. What idiot would want to make the rich even richer ? All we can say to Masons is that when you were born, you knew nothing. Why don't you ask your organisation for answers. Beware of one sided answers. Get online and do your own research. Now here is the really serious part. This is their Achilles. If someone you suspect of being part of this FM criminal organisation, how do you find out ? You can't, the Masons won't tell you, this is their illegal (above the law) protection (UGLE, GLOS and Rosslyn Chapel will ignore your request) SF could help you find out. Why can't we have a public register of Masons ? (SF has one, get our newsletter) we don't want a register of any other group or organisation. There is only one way to stop them and that is to work like them, without the ulterior motives. They just hate the word transparency, it makes them cringe, can't think why. SF is becoming a focused, professional collective. This is why we started Second Family (UK), to help and educate each other, fighting for FR33DOM. The secret societies are inherently wrong and totally unethical. Incidentally, we send this leaflet and our newsletter to all newspapers, MP's and affiliated groups worldwide. Please remember that we at SF can back up absolutely everything we say. This is why we want a live debate with the FMs. Second Family (UK) hates no one, hatred doesn't work. Unfortunately the Masons defend their trillion, trillion (hugely underestimated) crimes against the planet and it's contents, FMs try to defend the indefensible. They are protecting their plunder. If they are supposed to be a good charitable fraternity of men, why the false taboo ? why are their victims in constant fear for their lives ? and why would they keep taking down every comment or website that reveals or says anything about them ? On top of all this, Freemasonry is witchcraft. This is common knowledge all over the internet. This human virus is brainwashing people all over the world (especially poor people in desperate countries) every day. This is to protect the world's richest families and bloodlines. We at Second Family (UK) claim to be the only genuine, independent support group for victims of Freemasonry in the UK. We have nothing to hide and can back everything up no problem at all. If you know any Masons, please forward their details for our "SF's Public Register Of Masons" We will investigate just to make sure there is no malice by other Masons or others. It's not all bad news, everyone on the internet is waking up to this evil, their are huge anti - Mason groups and websites all over the world. Also checkout U-Tube, Google, Guba, etc, or just follow the links SF has given you. Never be intimidated by Freemasonry (false taboo & gobble de gook) if you are not sure, you can always double check with us. This text is brought to you by Joe Stirling (a founding member of SF) a veteran victim of this evil calculated derangement. I have no idea why I have been persecuted. None of the SF victims know why. But we do have concrete evidence to prove its the Masons. Everyone has the right to reply, please be focused and sensible. Please join or support Second Family (UK) to help us all. SF doing real good in the community We all have to expose these crooks to everyone, please copy/send/distribute/fax/email this information to as many people as possible. If you do nothing, they win.... From Forum - org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2214 For further information please checkout or or or or or If you would like more info, we have a free regular newsletter, just send a SSAE. You can join us or be our anonymous friend, ex-Masons welcome. All help and info is free, we appreciate donations (You can also donate online) to help fight this common cause. We have proper accounts and every penny accountable. Payments made out to Joe Stirling at 93 Ashburn Rd, Glasgow G62 7PQ or you can contact SF near you at SF, 4 Maes Tegid, Bala, Gwynedd LL23 7BF or SF, 68 Middlepart Cres, Ayrshire KA21 6LN or SF, 26 Radleigh Gdns, Kent ME1 2QR, SF, 10 Picton ST, Bristol BS6 5QA, or SF, 34 Mansfield Rd, Edinburgh EH14 7LF or SF, 20 Carlcroft, Tamworth B77 4DL or SF, 59 Rae St, Fife KY4 8LA or SF, 1 Spa Cottages, Cumbria CA7 8AL or SF, 70 Byron Lodge Est, Seaham, Co. Durham SR7 0JY or SF, 26 Shobden Rd, London N17 7PG. If you do write, please get a free proof of posting from the Post Office You can call or text mobiles 07834 329 287 or 07799 612 227 or our Glasgow landline 0141 560 4743. You can email us at or Make sure you get a reply from us as the crooked Masons will try to stop you from getting through. They are protecting their plunder.
So the Illuminutty is just a 'pyramid' scheme of epic proportions? Damn I thought they really knew why we were here and our purpose, but were keeping it from us. As in something that was actually illuminating once somebody reaches high enough.
Are you (sarcastically) referring to this? The highest levels of the lower portion of the pyramid, anyway. The capstone region, which floats above this part and which represents gold instead of stone* will be another matter. The gold capstone of the pyramid with the all seeing eye is the area of elite power or illumination, the stone area which makes up most of the pyramid representing the blind subservience of the slaves - masons - who make up or build the structure. But who are the 'few'? *Pyramid of Cheops to Get Gold Capstone for 2000 Celebration
some strange number facts.. 911 is a prime, it is also made up of 3 consecutive primes(293 + 307 + 311). there were 911 days between 9/11 (the event) and the madrid bombings which happened on the 11th march 2004 (311) do the numbers 293 or 307 refer to any significant dates? The next prime number after 311 is 313.. The difference between 293 and 307 is 14 the difference between 307 and 311 is 4 the difference between 311 and 313 is 2 14+4+2 = 20 & 9 + 11 = 20 Also 311+911 = 1222 1222 is not prime, but there is a prime at 1223 Acording to Mayan prophecies/predicitons, the Long Count will end around 21 december. (1221) So there you go, 10 minutes of 'research', Perhaps there maybe some other fascinating links, not sure if this really means anything either, but ah well.