I'm sure many of you are aware of this, but the population of the world is absurdly high and has no real signs of decreasing any time soon. With the entire world poping out new ones nearly every second, it's only a matter of time before this just complete explodes on us. The main problem is that we are doing nothing to contain it and only focus on building outward, eventually we will run out of land, and this will happen sooner than many of us think because we are rapidly putting up new houses every day. Leading experts are estimating that the population will double in the next 10 years, this would lead to scarcer jobs and even more demand for a product we unknowingly waste every day, water. Yes water, the resource we use to spray our friends and fill our glasses up to the top, take two sips, and then dump it out into the sink. The fresh water sources in the world are rapidly decreasing and water could become more valuable than oil in the next few years. America, of course, has the largest supply with the great lakes and with other countries running out, they will do anything to have it. Now most countries would get curb stomped if they even attempted to invade America from our military might, but there's a couple of countries that need and pose a major threat, like China. So yeah, we could see a huge war over the resource we think nothing of at the time. And it's not like this war would be 100's of years from now, it's very likely that we are going to see this war in our life time and with China's huge army, it's also very likely that we will be fighting in it. Well, it would sure as hell reduce the population, even if a bit...wrong. There are many solutions to the water problem, as people are already planning on chipping off ice from glaciers and bringing them onto dry land to melt. Water treatment plants are there, takes a shit load of time and money, but they will improve. The real problem is that other resources are already running a bit thin and enough land to accommodate us is becoming more and more rare, just look at India. How would we make a resource that is not renewable, and with more land being used, less and less land is used for farming, making us decide on weather we want food or shelter. The problem is dealing with population, you just can't tell people to stop fucking, and you just can't kill kids because people would be outraged. So yeah, unless we wait for a war to come along and wipe a good amount of us away, but really, should we even rely on that with the UN to moderate the shit out of wars. Less and less people will die with current wars and most will result in stalemates with current technology. So how the hell do we do this? Any ideas?
It won't be a war that thins out the herd ,that would mess up two many places and nature doesn't want that.It will be some kind of supervirus. http://ca.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTTk...m/s/afp/071013/health/health_flu_indonesia_65 It is only a matter of time before bird flu is transmittable from human to human.
A super virus has little chance of doing it. It wouldn't be able to spread quickly since it would kill off people too quickly and it couldn't spread.
How many people would someone who works in a major airport come into contact with in 1 day and possibly infect?Then those thousands of people travel all over the world infecting more and more .It wouldn't take all that long to reach a lot of people. Here is a bit about the 1918 pandemic http://ca.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geup.../www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol12no01/05-0979.htm This could be far more devastating than some regional wars throughout the world.
U.S. government health agencies expect some sort of pandemic within the next 4 years. So I hear, at least. They've even been doing pandemic drills up at OHSU this year, and I've received sweet little pamphlets from the State such as "Pandemic and YOU; How Your Business Can Survive" and "Staying Safe; Managing Employees During a Pandemic". I should have kept those. Dammit.
Well the new strain of Staph infection that is immune to antibiotics is doing in about 18K a year now. That's more then aids by the way. Oh and it's made it's way into schools. Which is the best place for it IMO.
I have this friend who harvests eyes for the eye bank and she told me about that last week because my dad was in the hospital with staph and I guess she likes to upset me. Positively apocalyptic!
There's plenty of space for at least another 50%, its just we're crammed into major cities in the west and 3rd world countries aren't allowed to thrive and build up and use the space they have, just because New York or London are immensely crowded doesn't mean theres no free space. The world is not overpopulated yet. Temperature change is not man-made. Terrorists aren't lurking behind every bush trying to kill us. The government are greedy, power hungry liars. You've been misinformed. The fact is, the elite don't want a large population, they want to kill us, so they will take every opportunity to claim it as our fault and continue with it. We'll be killed off way before we run out of land.
There is not population crisis at least not due to numbers in gen. But there is a change in population dynamics. Give it 20 years and people of Western European dissent will be a minority in their own country.
All of Western Europe including the UK. As well as in the US from the perspective of Americans of Eastern European dissent. It's already happened over there on the left coast.
But who cares what color the majority of Americans are? It's irrelevant. Speaking as a little brown American.
This is from research i did for a paper. First off, a study on the effects of a species becoming too effective. In 1944 scientists were going to test the effects of a herbivore on a St. Matthew Island. This was done with no carnivores of any sort, the species would be kept completely safe. The species they choose for such an experiment was the reindeer. The initial amount of reindeer was twenty-nine. When they came back to the island in 1957, the population exploded to 1350, seemed as though the reindeer were flourishing. In 1963, the population was enormous, six thousand, and every where one went, there was a reindeer. In 1966, 3 years later, the population plummeted to forty-two. The scientists all agrees that this was due to starvation, a direct cause of overpopulation (Orr, 1). As humans though, we have a range of many more resources and ways to obtain them. This is a blessing but also a curse though as the Earth can only sustain so much before it depletes itself. “Currently, around half of the world’s usable water is in tap for human use, in the next fifty years the population is expected to double, using up all of it” (Orr, 1). If people today wage wars over fresh water, what will the future hold when water is more precious than oil? Another prime example of our exhaustion of the world is the Amu Darya in Asia. From over fishing and irrigation practices, this once great lake has dropped over forty feet. Towns once on the coast are now more than thirty miles away. The neighboring towns fishing industry has gone to waste as well. Because with the lake dropped so much, the salt concentration rose considerably. “This, in turn, made the lake uninhabitable for fish and many of the lake’s people have since moved away” (Orr, 1). Water, one of the world’s most abundant resources, is already being abused; not very promising for the other natural resources. In the coming years, one can expect to see the effects like these becoming a world wide epidemic.
Yep, its why they like selling water to us in bottles now. Another subtle control society ploy; to pollute and spoil all water suplies and then offer 'clean' water.
I didn't say you said it was a problem, I said who cares? If the topic is population size, what the hell is the relevance of the skin colors of the populations (in their "own" countries, even)?
Water from a faucet is actually better for you than that bottled shit. Impurities and minerals found in it can increase you immune system. Bottled water shouldn't be looked at as the next evil conspiracy, since people that buy it are already suckered in and they really shouldn't be spending their money else where. The fact is that a lot of it is already tapped and if you look to the desert regions of the US you'll find that they are already fighting for it. The problem is even cleaning regular water is beyond easy, you just boil it, bam pure water. Salt water sucks in terms of filtering though, very expensive and a very slow process.