Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    What are some of your opinions on what the NWO will be, how it will come to power, and maybe when? I'm interested to see what some of your ideas on this might be. I'm most interested in hearing from diogenes and joes logic.

    From what I've already read, they seem to believe it will be some magnificent takeover and woooo boy, we never saw it coming. And I'm supposed to be crazy. I know how it will go down, what the two sides will be, and when the time will come, but I will save this ultimate smackdown for a moment.
  2. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Start back on the medication.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I think the NWO will be headed by a two headed reptile named Norman. He hangs out at cheers. You're awesome smurf, you never stop finding ways to top yourself.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Agents within the old Nazi party are embedded in the U.N. basically running it as a shadow government. And they will fraction off of the U.N. and be joined by all the Islamic Jew hating countries. Then ww3 starts.
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    There will be no NWO because we won't make it past the next 10 or so years. Any repressive government that comes up between now and then will be for survival from the climate and economic collapse, and from the vast overpopulation problem. :cry:
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smurf have you ever noticed the conspicuous absence of criticism from my behalf on your posts?

    There is always some degree of insight and truth. The other points are generally so tiresome to argue.

    I on the other hand take issue with the over population theory. Not to give credit to the others though. Basically I almost bought into that one. There is so much unused land mass... Next time you fly a jet get a daytime flight and a window seat you will see.

    There are some more pictures out like this where the lights look more profound but that is because that is the way the picture is filtered to give more contrast and magnify the ambient light effect. I probably have my terminology all wrong but I think I made the point clear. If there are any Photoshop pro's out there maybe they can weigh in on this topic.
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Dude Hogan retired there is no more NWO.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    :p But that’s just for show Grim its the beginning of the Hogan Dynasty.

    His daughter will take his place.
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Ever think, "Hey, wait a second, that land isn't unused, it's being used by nature, the climate, and the entire biosphere!" Haha, you know, that thing that supports your fat ass and keeps life going? Would you recommend developing every square inch of the face of the earth? I'm sure you'd run into some problems long before you were able to, though, like a collapsing climate and disappearing life.

    And lets just think about a little scenario for a bit, one that actually looks like it's going down right now. Let's say increasing solar activity - as indicated by a large increase sunspots, solar flares, and the various solar energies - creates a global weather crisis -as indicated by summer time high temperatures in the Artic when it's supposed to be winter, and any other signs, take your pick - that diminishes the Earth's human carrying capacity. OoOOO, now all those 6.5 billion people are in a jam, because real soon - the chaos is accelerating, too - a lot of them are going to have to go. And fuck, what do you know, right before it happened they all got laid off and went into economic ruin. What a coincidence?

    Now who's fault was the depression? U.S.A! U.S.A ! And who's fault is this global weather chaos? Not us, but our enemies will be saying U.S.A! U.S.A! Because we drive big, stupid SUVs, pollute more than anyone else on the earth, don't sign agreements against it, opress them the thirdworlders, have fat kids, and can't consume enough. On top of that, we have the audacity to try and kill them off when the Earth craps out because we think there are too many of them (there are), by spreading viruses that all these dead microbiologists were working on.

    Their leaders will point us out as the cause of all their woes, and will see it as their duty to whipe the scourge that is us off the face of the planet. And you know what sucks? We've been led into this by somebody, I'm sure of it.
  10. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Interesting note about Albert Gore. He does not write these books printed with his name on them His original copy of "Earth in the Balance" was just a repackaged copy of "Climate in Crisis" by Albert Bates. Albert G. and Albert B. were buddies. Albert Bates runs a "commune" called The Farm in Summertown Tennessee. I used to work with his son Will Bates. Interesting person likeable enough. He did not have many friends at work though the guy did not take showers very often was into all that hippie stuff. I enjoyed talking to him about his affiliation with the commune. But once I found out that he had Arab nationals living at his place rented under his name and he was helping them with day trading. I found it interesting after 911 and he quit working at Dell. Before he quit he was showing me the pics of his vacation to Hawaii he took his family on.
    Did I forward this information to "Big Brother" over at the local FBI headquarters? Hell Yeah! I'm still curious to know what happened with it. Follow up on that conspiracy why don't ya?
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Smurfslappa is not interested in such conspiracy theories, they do not require a large enough leap of faith. If it doesn't require an insane jump from a rational piece of evidence to an absurd conclusion then smurf will not waste his time. The world is not insane enough to support such wild conspiracy theories.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I think the nearly constant record temperatures everyone is getting is just a taste of the weather chaos to come. I believe it will get worse, and I think the sun will only get more active, as it's steadily been doing for the last 5 years. This is not part of it's cycle, as it should be in a solar minimum, so something is changing.

    I think the Amazon will only get drier, as it's been doing. I think the sea birds will continue starving at an accelerating rate as they have. Where once 8,000 were fledged, only 88 are these days. The fish will continue dropping off and demand can only go up. Why should it all stop? We as people are the enormous wall built up around nature, so that it has nowhere to hide from any of this weather chaos. The oxygen in the air is much thinner so many animals cannot cross over mountains like they used to. So it will collapse and we will die soon after.

    It's cause and effect bitches, I'm not just being paranoid. God DAMN the ignorance in your stupid fat heads, it hurts my head just trying to think like you...

    So you're right, I don't give a damn about that mini-conspiracy. It's pales in comparison to the collapse of our climate and the eventual demise of our biosphere. Only a little while longer before the peons know something is up, and boy will shit ever hit the fan... The depression is going down live here in a few months though, maybe sooner, and you will all get to see SmUuuuurFFSlaaappppPpPpA in pillage-mode. It will be my right, nay my duty, to purge this world of as many leeches as possible before I go.

    The scrambling scientists and the presidents of universities are starting to speak publicly about the global imbalances, but only because it's becoming popular. Fucking assholes always trying to cover their own ass and don't speak up until they absolutely know for sure we're fucked. Thanks bros.
  15. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  16. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Wake up, bitch. The world you live in is falling apart around you.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    have you considered changing your name to "CHICKEN LITTLE". It would fit you well smurf.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Let's see, if I start seeing the sky fall on a wednesday, I'll start screaming right fucking away. But Ooooh boy, it turned out to be falling really slowly, so it's not here yet. But all the signs that it's falling are still there, so it must be falling really slowly. SHIT! That means there's still time to fix our situation. Let's go!

    Why the hell would I wait until every moron is able to see it? That would mean it's too late, especially in the bioshpere/economy/climate collapsing scenario like it is. Plus I'll be able to stand over everyone when it happens and say in a grave voice "So is this what you wanted?" and they'll feel guilty and say "We didn't listen" with tears wellingup in their eyes. Inside I'll be all like "Oh yeah, who saw this coming? Yo!" and point my pseudothumbs at myself.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Are you a big fan of hallucinogenic drugs by chance, smurf?
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Smurf doesn't need drugs to hallucinate. He is self sufficient.


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