Title [The Mix Up] Artist [Beastie Boys] Label [Capitol] Genre [Jazz+funk Quality/Size [44.1 @VBR 54,0 MB] Ripped [06-02-2007] Grabbed from [CDDA] Enc [Lame 3.97] Website [beastieboys.com] Track Time Title ®--÷¬ ®-- ®-- -÷- -‗ ¾¬ - 01 03:32 B For My Name 02 03:34 14th St. Break 03 03:18 Suco De Tangerina 04 03:48 The Gala Event 05 03:16 Electric Worm 06 03:06 Freaky Hijiki 07 04:36 Off The Grid 08 03:37 The Rat Cage 09 03:11 The Melee 10 03:58 Dramastically Different 11 03:06 The Cousin Of Death 12 03:29 The Kangaroo Rat Totals 12 42:31 min http://www.bigupload.com/d=DC586A5B Street release is June 22 2007
they did already, and it's much better than this. its called, errrm ,the sound from way out. its an misunderstood classic
I bring the mother fuckin rukus. http://www.beastieboys.com/?p=16 just a litte taste for my vanilla niggas (copyright)
Funny enough I have seen them 3 times in london, and this is what they jam on, they hit the hits early, and got totaly impromptu for the rest of the show. 2 of the shows are the in my top 10 of live music acts I have ever seen.