Air Force One, the White House china, the Lincoln Bedroom. They really had to work over time creating other interesting stories to give them an excuse to cover instead of the truth. It was denied that it happened. But here is Danny Davito on "The View" bragging about it. On the air, the hosts asked if DeVito had been to sleep, but he mumbled the response, "I don't know." He then embarked on a long and winding tale about having once spent the night in the Lincoln bedroom in the White House and attempted, with his wife Rhea Perlman, to "really wreck the joint."
Yeah I know given the chance I'm sure there is some sort of JFK memorabilia I could wipe my ass on. Or that stupid wife of his.
lol Christ. Washington was part of the wig party Joe. So no need to get upset. If he said Lincoln I could understand. But I could see him humping Lincolns leg.
Dwaine? Ah yeah well Dwain does not discriminate hate he spreads it around evenly. Maybe I could crap in FDR's wheelchair.