*The importance af anal cavity hygiene*

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Jan 6, 2002.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Most people are not aware of the danger to their health posed by parasites; nevertheless, if one looks in the right places, one can find a lot of literature on the subject of parasites and the harmful effects they can produce.

    Well over 80% of patients we check have some type of parasite or bacteria and the slight inflammation of the abdomen, and unrelated pains and aches which indicate the presence of parasites.

    For instance, in a pamphlet put out by a medical manufacturer in America, we read: “Colon therapy has an anthelmintic action (this means parasites are removed). We find that over 90% of the people we examine in our clinics have some form of parasites. The most common of all are tapeworms. Our skilled technicians report seeing green, brown, grey, yellow and white ones, and various combinations. Patients report seeing pieces of tapeworm in the toilet bowl, varying from a few inches to a few feet. (The longest one reported was 57 inches.) Various other parasites are seen, including hook worms pin worms, whip worms and many other exotic forms. Tapeworms are usually beef, pork or fish variety.

    Many Vegetarians also have various parasites. Their eggs may be eaten with vegetables or fruit. Thread worms and hook worms may pass through the unbroken skin – they are sometimes picked up when one walks through the grass.”

    In New Zealand, a large full page advertisement for “Combantrin” (a commercial worm preparation), shows a small girl handing a pencil to a classmate. The caption reads:
    “The simple act of passing a pencil, sharing a book, using the same doorknob, or even sharing a house with untreated adults is all that is required for parasites to spread – No matter how clean your child may be, and no matter how careful you are. The symptoms caused by parasites may include: Loss of appetite, anal and vulval itching and scratching, disturbed sleep, occasional bed-wetting in younger children. These may seem like common occurrences in childhood, but unfortunately this is because the parasite problem is a common one.”

    We once told one of our patients that we thought her daily migraines were caused by parasites in her intestines. She was not surprised by this, and she said she had just returned from Europe where she had taken her children to a doctor. The children had been restless and had indigestion. The doctor told her that he felt the children had pin-worms, and it was the parasites which were causing the symptoms. She told the doctor that she thought it was impossible for her children to have parasites, as she insisted on the highest standard of hygiene. She had not seen any sign of worms in her children's clothes or in their beds. But, the doctor insisted, and told her that over 90% of people in that part of Europe had parasites of one kind or another – so she should not feel ashamed or surprised that her children also had parasites.

    Our diagnosis was correct, and when she took the herbs, her migraines and other aches soon disappeared. Yet, this patient had been to a number of doctors, and none of them had been able to do anything to relieve her headaches.

    In an interview recorded in a health publication, Dr. William Kelley, famous cancer specialist says: “I find parasites in 92% of people. Everybody – rich and poor – the whole population have parasites. It is not restricted to lower classes at all. Pets are great carriers of parasites. Also, vegetables may carry parasitic organisms. One day I had a lady who was a little over 5 feet tall and weighed 300 pounds! She was on a 400 to 500 calorie diet and starving to death. I said to her, ‘You've got so many worms, all you're absorbing is the water!’ This horrified her! Most people are upset at the thought of having worms. She started a bottle of special supplements I gave her, but nothing happened. So, she went to her family doctor who took a stool culture, but could not find anything"
    “The lady decided to finish the herbs by taking it regularly as directed. One night she was lying in her bed, and she felt a tickling in her throat and thought it is mucous. She went to the bathroom and coughed it up, put it in a Kleenex and turned the light one. The scream she let out woke up her husband, and what they found in the tissue was the head and two more inches of a tapeworm which had come up in her throat.
    Lots of times, particularly in children, the tapeworm will come through the nose looking for some more to eat.”
    “ ‘Parasites mimic a lot of disease. Like heart trouble. I found this once in a nurse who had suffered with all kinds of heart trouble and went to doctors for years, whenever she had these heart spells. I said to her “You should have gone to the vet.” She asked why? I said, “Because you have heart worms.” She took her herbs and never had any more trouble.’ ”

    “Most stomach aches and colitis could have a parasite involvement. Liver damage and liver trouble can often be caused by worms. Sometimes a colony of worms will crawl up in the gall bladder and give you trouble. This can be the trouble with overweight people. The worms are being well fed. The body is only getting the water and the calories but a fraction of the nutrients.”

    In a Nutritional Almanac printed by McGraw-Hill and reproduced in part below, we read “worms irritate the intestinal lining and therefore cause poor absorption of nutrients. Signs of worms may include diarrhea, hunger pains, appetite loss, weight loss and anemia. Pin worms are transmitted when the eggs, which lodge under the fingernails when a person scratches, contaminate food. Personal hygiene is most important for the control of pinworms.

    Tapeworms can be contracted from eating insufficiently cooked meats, especially beef, pork and fish.

    Hookworms are often found in the soil or sand in moderate climates. They can enter the body by boring holes in the skin of bare fee, or can enter the mouth if food contaminated by dirty hands is eaten.

    In “The Miami Herald” dateline June 25, 1978 (just 23 years ago!) an article appeared titled “Worms Outrank Cancer as Man's Deadliest Enemy”. It reads: “One of every four people in the world is infected with roundworms, which cause fever, cough and intestinal problems. A quarter of the worlds people have hookworms, which can cause anemia and abdominal pain. Another third of a billion people suffer from abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by whipworms.”



    Offal's new commander

    Tapeworm Roundworm

    Not much research is being done on these diseases (i.e. parasite related diseases). The U.S. spends more than $US800 million a year on cancer research. All the nations in the world combined spend less than one twentieth that amount studying parasitic diseases.
    Of the amount of money spent on Cancer research, one thing is agreed upon – that toxins and poisons in the body causes chronic irritation of tissues which results in cancer. There is also plenty of other evidence that cancer of internal structures such as organs or other tissues is caused by chronic irritation of the cells by toxins in the body. Almost all the books written by (so called) “quacks” claim that cancer can be cured by cleansing the body and ridding it of parasites and toxins. In other words, once the tissues stop being irritated by excessive quantities of toxins in the blood, the cancer not only stops proliferating, but may actually disappear altogether if the treatment is started in time. (Note that only the medical profession attempts to treat cancer by introducing more toxic drugs to the body.)

    Worms and Parasites
    There are several types of parasitic worms which can live in human intestines, the most common being pinworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms. Worms irritate the intestinal lining and therefore, cause poor absorption of nutrients. Signs of worms often include diarrhea, hunger pains, appetite loss, weight loss, and anemia. Diagnosis can be made by examining the stools, or, occasionally by inducing the vomiting of worms. The extent of intestinal damage is then determined by the type of worm, the size of the worm, and the number of worms present.

    Pinworms are the most common parasitic worm in the United States. The chief symptom of this small, threadlike worm is rectal itching, especially at night. Pinworms are transmitted when eggs which lodge under the fingernails, when a person scratches, contaminate food. Personal hygiene is most important for the control of pinworms.

    Tapeworms can be contracted from eating insufficiently cooked meats, especially beef, pork and fish. The most common tapeworm in the United States is the beef tapeworm, which can grow to a length of 15 to 20 feet in the intestines.

    Hookworms are often found in the soil or sand in moderate climates. They can enter the body by boring holes in the skin of the bare feet, or can enter by mouth if food contaminated by dirty hands is eaten.

    Roundworms are most common in children. These worms can leave the intestines and settle in different areas of the body, causing diseases such as pneumonia, jaundice or seizures.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    And you all scoff when i discuss my bottom ptobing and flushing regimes!!!!!
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  4. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:

    Tapeworms are usually beef, pork or fish variety.

    what about badgers?
  5. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Psycho Bob:
    what about badgers?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i ate woodchuck once. it was bbq, and it was delish. oh, my aching head. if anyone says, "too badger sick" i will just lay down and die.
  6. kitana

    kitana New Member

    I do NOT look like that!
  7. kitana

    kitana New Member

    This is what my worm looks like

  8. D

    D New Member

    The reason Kitana the great ain't posting is due to the fact that she is "giving birth"

    ignore the shit at the bottom (of the pic not her bottom obviously) that was her trying to hide the fact that anything has ever penetrated her.
  9. D

    D New Member

    ignre the penis as well... She was trying to hide that fact also.
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  11. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Pul the tapeworm outta your ass HEY!!!
  12. kitana

    kitana New Member

    we all have parasites in and on our bodies, in/on our skin, in our stomachs, intestines etc. they are mutual parasites and dont cause much probs unless they take over
  13. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Thank you Kitana for telling us something that we've all known since our first biology class..........thank you.
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    Our teacher had no sense of smell, so we used to set things on fire in the back of his class. (small, contained fires)
  15. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Ma Black ass threw piss balloons at da super-entindent. Dey neva caught me dough. I's jus too smooth fa dat shit. Prince of Blackness in da muthafuggin hiz-oussss!!
  16. D

    D New Member

    *wank subtly disguised as Kitana*

    Did you know its healthier to lick the toilet bowl than it is to chew your nails.

    A bee only lives for 2 days.

    Foxes are becomeing more domesticated. soon they will be like cats.

    blah blah blah...
  17. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GratuitousAssSlapper:
    Thank you Kitana for telling us something that we've all known since our first biology class..........thank you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    it was aimed at Nauseous, to send her into her phobic stage
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    i have urge to do this.
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


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