You know why is it that ever time people what to keep something out they build a wall? The Great Wall Of China and so on and so fourth. Do they really think a wall on the mexican border will keep anyone out? I mean its like that old joke Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team? Because everyone that can run jump or swin are in the USA. As long as people have been building walls people have been finding ways to get around them. I mean look at the drug running tunnels that go for 100 of miles into the states. Why not foget the wall and use something that will really work. Start plugging a few Mexicans at the border then leave their bodies as a warning to the others what might happen if they try and cross. Also another good idea would anyone caught her who is not suppose to be here gets a one way ticket to Iraq to earn a spot in America. We need to think outside of the box to solve this problem walls just won't work.
Yeah but a wall would not hurt. And we got all this unemployed cheap labor around the boarder might as well put some to work.
You know what would be great, is if they sub-contracted the job, and they found out the company was using illegal immigrants as labor. We don't need a wall, we need to quit giving illegal immigrants jobs. If we would start enforcing the rules we have in regards to immigration the problem would go away. For example, those who employ illegal immigrants are punished, heavily. Quit giving them jobs and they'll quit coming over here to find work.
But the idea that a politician when elected with then create a rule to solve the problem gets a politician elected. Do you know how many firearms laws were broken in the infamous Columbine incident? I believe it was 17 total. The problem has always not been that we need more rules. The problem has been that we need to enforce the rules we have. But I still like the wall idea.
I'm telling you if we started mowing down beaners at the fence then hanging the bodies from the fence they will stop crossing.
I was talking to Joe, but you have a valid point, I just don't think it's completely valid for humanitarian reasons. After all, who'd clean all the houses for $40 a month out here in California if it wasn't for illegal immigrants. Ban immigration outright, before they become to lazy to do menial tasks as well. Because then we're going to have to start sneaking them in from Honduras, and then Panama, you see where I'm going with this.
We would not have these problems with finding people to clean if we would have snuffed out the civial right movment.
Wow, for a second there I was mildly offended by that, and I don't get offended very often. Why do we need people to clean for us, are we that lazy that menial tasks such as our own dishes and cleaning our own homes is no longer a task worthy of our time? Yeah, I love consumer culture.
I was not trying to offend you, I was making a social observation, of how our culture takes advantage of the poor and non whites.
ah, I thought you were saying we wouldn't have this problem if we would have nipped that whole civil rights movement in the bud, you know, kept blacks in their place. Now I see the light.
Hell Yeah Dio. I mean think about it. The solution is always a new rule. The solution should be to enforce the existing rules not create new ones. We should at least try it but we never give it a try.
But true irony would be that out of principal you would want to build the wall sans illegal labor. :? The cost would be huge.
I'm all for illegal labor, that way when they die we can just bury them in the wall and there's no messy paperwork or death benefits.
Hehe they have indian blood and the spirits have you smoking tobacco allready, and you know what. ITS NOT GOOD FOR YOU :evil: Walls can work, but the problem is that we get produce from all over the world and all over the world, people want that produce and they sort of found out. It depends on what tech the wall will have. As a base for listening and preventing the poor hungry angry masses of MS-13 gangmembers and aztec priests from entering, might work. Then US citizens would have to go on cruise to see the priests, and the gangbangers would join the marines. Everybody wins but the arab resistance to western porn, pop and female drivers. ( And bad language ). The chinese wall was a success by the way, hadrians wall was cool to. The israeli wall seems to shape up the statistics and this wall will give good respite before the land of the ( abolitionist ) free again becomes the home of the (amerindian ) brave.[/i]