The Great Pyramid of Area 51

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, May 29, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member


    The cut off top is where the capstone will be placed when the time is ready. It will most likely be an all-gold capstone to conduct the lightning from the sky. PYR-MID, anyone? "Fire in the middle," is what that means. And we should all know about the green electric fire known as St. Elmo's fire.

    If the capstone were on there now it might draw a little too much attention to itself. When the shit really starts hitting the fan, though, and you and everyone else around you don't know what the hell is going on, you better believe these old guys will be back at that pyramid, charging up their souls and preparing for their little journey. Good work. God's work.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm no architectural engineer but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that they would use a secret area to build and test different structures to see how they react to various stresses. For example seismic vibration, percussion characteristics of various explosives. If I were to try design the perfect practical bunker technology. Practical meaning you do not have to purchase a 100000 acre rock in Colorado ( in other words a granite mountain) and drill a hole to the center. Then a Pyramid would be a logical design.

    At the same time I have to say that I doubt the picture was taken of Area 51.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    nuckin' futs

    If you ever need your soul charged Smurf, feel free to stop by. I normally use a little device called the "Electro Probe".

    Use your imagination on how it works.

  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Probably in his ass, but only once.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No way! Thats insane I do not even want to ask. But if it will work for Smurf maybe all of us here can pitch in for a session. If you post pictures nothing obsurd that is I just want to see the facial expression.
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Nope, it's a pyramid with the capstone missing. That's the nice little entrance in there. It is in Area 51, and what a better place to hide it and say it's for "tests."

    That entrance right there is where the pearly gates will be, with all those guards and the nice little list with those who get to make it off this rock. You'll see, the ol' apocalypse will be coming and then maybe you'll think back on what I'm saying with a little bit more of an open mind.
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Every time I hear the words "pearly gates" I want to laugh.

    The term "gates of pearl" is mentioned only once in the Bible, (Revelation chapter 22), and is in reference to a literal city gate. It also mentions streets in the city that LOOK like pure gold, since they are as "clean (pure) as new glass.

    Streets of Gold and Pearly Gates in "Heaven" are the figments of the collective imagination of religious Zealots everywhere.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    When studying theory of combat imagine this. Three self sufficient companies within a battalion. These companies each having their own supply and transportation logistics, artillery, anti-aircraft, armored unit, infantry etc. Having your battalions formed into groups of three companies in a triangle formation. Now no matter how you attack any one of the companies be it by air or ground there are two other companies that can flank you. You can try attacking all three and that does not matter because you can still get flanked and you have spread your own forces out in order to do so. No one straight line of air attack will hit not more than tops two companies and these companies can assist with re-supply of the other. Take that a step farther and take three company battalions and divide them into three divisions. Weather you take your triangle defense strategy to a macro level like three divisions of a military fighting force, or you take it to a micro level of splitting your fuel supply stations into three equal parts complete with trenches and burms in the dessert. It’s the same theory. Think about that when you see your "mystical" patterns in the desert soil. Does not sound as exciting and fun as an indication that a secrete society shadow government worships ancient Egyptian gods does it?
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    No Joe, it's not the same thing. To compare the uses of a pyramid to the usefullness of fighting in a triangle formation is... I mean damn can't you see how they don't compare?

    Anyways ucicare, you know what I mean anyways. It wouldn't really be the Pearly Gates, but it'd still be the way to Heaven.
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Shock therapy is still legal in Texas isn't it?
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah Smurf I understand that and my original observation regarding Pyramids stands that they are extremely structurally sound. I actually meant to post that statement on the post Fugly pictures thread where you also had pics of triangle formations in the desert. I got spun around was like "where did my post go" and reposted at two places. Thing is you are going to see “mysterious” pyramids as well as triangles. Both are easily explained.
  12. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    Alright, so I hate to go bursting some bubbles here, but I have to laugh about the pyramid thing. Area 51 is not a stationary base. It never has been, and it never will be. How do I know you ask? I was raised by family of scientists and government officials that have worked for numerous aerospace/aeronautic/tactical Propulsion laboritories. My uncle has seen Area 51. It is in fact a series of mobile units that set up only temporary buildings along a route that is translated by the government. Sorry guys... The aliens got shipped back to Langley... blame them.

  13. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    But it stillis about the "alien" isnt it. Wether it be Technical remote wieving. Remote suggestion. Psychokinetics or bloodsacrifice. The pyramid is the most sound structure to build, and as such is no longer worthy of experiment, but as a focus for astral travel or any other yummie. Yummie !

    As for 1337s best bet , based on his thorough knowledge of dads and moms work, and asd a tribute to their skills at raising children. Here is wikipedia on 51


    I know they sell souvernirs outside and hippiesflock together to go celestial. Dont you get discovery-channel in the states ? I`m just saying that even though the original workload might have moved, the original structure, ( the area ) , still stands as arelic of "something" unknown.

    For those that are sceptic, substitute TRW , PK and trancespells with LSD , DMT etc and add silicoenmicrochips, surgical transmitters and longdistance, tightbeam audiosignals.

    Darn ! USA rocks.

    I recall Joe`s link to "comercials" while sleeping , and Nurseys quotes from That "military-industrilal complex" speach pluss Kennedy that says the presidential office has been used to break the constitution, and that he would take action. 9 days later he was dead.

    On frontpage magazines homepage you canbuy a T that states. "Work with us now, or for us later" GOP ( Under Mean Cartoon Elephant ).

    Yes Rocks indeed !

    As for psychological armament. Theories of conspiracy aren`t bad either.
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    There was a nuclear test plane once as well. Shielding would have been to heavy of course. Additionally, it spread radioactive waste as it flew.

    ( Lawsuits would not only have cost money, but support for mil programmes as well ).

    When silent black choppers later take tests of cows from rectum and throat, it corresponds to the easiest measure-points for radio-gaga.

    They had a brilliant idea and smeared it all together, thusly, creating a balrog of modern mythology.
  15. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    I do not claim to be raised well by any means. I am certain of one thing however, and that is quiet areas of discussion like the infamous, "Area 51."

    Wikipedia has some interesting things to say, but never rule out the inherent truth of wikipedia, that it was written by someone with an opinion, who was trying to influence someone, for some reason. I on the other hand, don't need to give you the definition, I just figured I'd let you know the eventual outcome of something that has made millions of dollars in Tax revenues since Roswell. Happy consumerism... =-D

  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Liberal media ?

    Some people actually love truth for its own sake. Though knowing that everybody has a bias, they try to retain a basic integrity. When trying to influence people, they dont get their kick from manipulation, but from education.

    But it is true, that everything written, is written by someone with an opinion, trying to influence somebody.
  17. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    And thus you have the base root of all evil. And here all along everyone thought it was money and loose women. Hah.


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