The End of This Age

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    With peak oil already behind us, the massive military movements worldwide, plane crashes with important official and everyone out there going crazy, it's not so far away now, is it? Six and a half billion people out there, and soon there won't be enough food for all of them. Our American "just in time" delivery system of food and supplies to our cities fixing to be under plenty of stress. MmMmMmm... I can already smell the raping and pillaging and things of this nature. We already know the LOOP is down, that it'll take more than just getting electricity to these places to get them up and running again. The elite are pulling out all the stops and holding back supplies from the devastated south. China is allying with Russia, Canada is increasing their military relationships with Russia, scared of our leaders. The big scare of an impending epidemic. The oceans dying, the climate changing, the poles melting, the magnetic poles shifting. Yes, I am going to be ruthless. All you people out there will have to worry about people like me, thinking that you'll be able to talk your way out of it on a forum. Just wait, if national disaster strikes like a depression, I'll be the first one starting these riots.
  2. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    And you will be the first one lying face down in a gutter somewhere, congratulations.

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