For the first time in recorded history the Netherlands did not agree with Dubya & Blair. Our dark lord, Balkenende (the one who looks like harry potter) says that the media have to have freedom of speech, no matter the subject. We are breaking free!! . oh wait . .we aren't .There's still some bullets to catch over in Afghanistan. Yes mister Bush, we'll be on the plane tomorrow, mister Bush. How can that bastard have so much influence. If he wants to get his own soldiers shot to hell, be my guest, but leave our little incompetent army (Kosovo anyone?) out of it. We all know what will happen, because our secret service (AIVD) accidentally(?) leaked some classified reports saying we'd just as well shoot ourselves in the head over here, which'd save us the trouble of flying a bunch of apaches over, and getting shot in the head over there. But still we're going. Is this what democracy is all about? I thought it was supposed to be one man one vote, but the dutch populace doesn't want them to go and they're already on the plane.. Time for a revolution I think.. Now to get me a gun..
I'm assuming you live in the Netherlands, and that's why your English is so much better than everyone else in these forums.
Hmm .. Must be my amazingly huge brain then.. the part of it that's still working God, I really have to stop drinking. . They're thinking about changing our political system to the one they have in england, right now its more like the US (only smaller. .much smaller ) I think we could use the change, and I like the debates better over in blighty
Depends on where your at. In rural America the people are fucking morons half the time. In the cities, they're fucking morons but they debate much more nicely.
Same here.. but smaller .. anyway, would you prefer a two party system, or the one we have ( a structure built up of several small groups, where the largest group or alliance gets the lead ) Ours is fucked up in my opinion, they'll bicker among themselves about literally everything . .without ever getting anything done. But I guess its the same everywhere.
Yeah, we only have a 2 party system, but since there are over 500 members from the 2 parties trying to make decisions they bicker over everything anyway. The glory of a Representative Republic.
There's only 70 or 80 in England right? And I think they're quite happy with the way things are done over there.. in comparison to holland or the US..
And did it ever get you anything? I'm not trying to convinc eyou to stop voting or anything, just interested. trying to see the other guy's point of view sort of thing
no, I almost always vote for the guy who loses. I never like the guy in office, so I vote for the other guy and the incumbent almost always wins.
not really. I look at it this way, I participate in the system, so I have a valid say in what goes on, be they right or wrong in doing things on my behalf. If I don't participate in the system, I have no say at all. So every 2 years I vote, which I feel gives me the right to bitch about all politicians, everywhere, even the ones I didn't vote for. It's a bitch about the government pass, which just happens to be one of my favorite things to go in to ranting fits over. On a serious note though, my voting did get me somewhere, I expressed my view, however small and insignificant that may be, to those in power. If I, and enough like minded people vote, then we will eventually see the change we wish to see take effect. So that's the real reason I vote. The ranting and bitching is just icing on the cake.
I see what you mean. But what if your view is that all politicians are lying filth who'd kill their mother for an extra vote, who change their opinions at the drop of a hat, especially after election time. I mean, in a two party system, you'd have two different views, in ours, you can have as much as 20, and they really are different (during election time). They have to be 'cause you can't run the risk of losing a vote to a party that is somewhat similar to yours. But as soon as the votes are cast and counted, the different beliefs go out the window. That's when the dick-sucking starts. Don't know if you've ever heard of a NSB-er, but they are the worst. I could vote, but my vote would be abused. It would end up supporting the largest party.