The Drama of Terrorism?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by in_it_for_fun, Dec 2, 2005.

  1. in_it_for_fun

    in_it_for_fun New Member

    I just watched the first couple episodes of this tv series at work (I work for showtime) about a secret terrorist cell operating right here in L.A. I have to admit I felt weird being entertained by this. Not bad, not good, just different. It definitely was not a show for the weak of heart. I guess it just brought up some ideas in my mind about what the creators of the show are intending for their audience?

    Does this sound like too much of a touchy subject to have on tv as entertainment? I mean with the already unfair racial judgement spread across America about middle eastern people, will this make that worse? In my ‘ever-to-be-humble’ opinion there are plenty of these racial (amoungst many other) issues put on the spot in onlye the first couple of shows. Maybe it will make people more aware of the fact that only a select few (just like any race/nationality) are actually as extremist in their beliefs as terrorists… Any thoughts?
  2. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    TVseries often act as advisory guides on social/morale issues. A feature i once saw described how real gangsters had been influenced by moviestars portraying them. Hollywood and mobsters influencing each other like two fasion-houses. You need terrorism as entertainment. After all, fox"news" cant do WAR on CHRISTMAS all year long. How about that reporter that makes rage-entertainment of murdercases. Its not weird you guys are so paranoid and all for sharia-like punishments, when you get all the sickos of a society of allmost 300mill pushed into the livingroom each night.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    XerxesX is right for the most part. I couldn't pass judgment on the show till I watched it first and it is likely I won't in reality I watch little tv and rarely watch a movie. Mostly its news, I'm a closet home improvement show junkie (blame it on my wife) and Nascar on Sunday with the occasional sport event otherwise or educational documentary. I think the subliminal influence of sitcoms and such are more influential then the in your face commentary in a lot of cases. I doubt the show will put Arabs in a bad light. And if it does then the big story will be the commentary backlash not the show itself.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    My god how many sites have these I work for showtime you got to watch this show guys are roaming around message boards.

    I say this now the show is crap and I will not repeat will not be tuning in.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No doubt Grim like that guy who posted his sight recomending others go see it. Isn't there a name for that in the forum world?
  6. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    Some of us use "commas", "periods" and ocasionally one of those other weird little characters (ex. - ). Hooray for grammar.
  7. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    Strategic marketing ?
  8. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Strategic marketing

    Yeah that’s the problem with the whole Marketing field Sales also.

    Two fields I would never work in. You could say it is strategic marketing all right. And in a lot of minds that justifies its purpose. But the way it was presented was not as that of a commercial more like as if it were a legitimate question of interest and concern. I guess I should give the guy credit though. He did say who he worked for. And explain his interest. But it’s just like phone solicitors basically annoying.

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