At the idea of the supposed death of Castro...whatever as if it really matters. The impression is made that he needs to be really secretive about a hand over of power and the idea that all will collapse in Cuba that it is the great might and magical Castro that holds together the wonderfully magical, fairy tail, dreamy land that is Cuba. As if America is posturing itself and awaiting his demise to pounce at the opportunity of his death. While Cuba is no longer under his protective arm. What a bunch of shit it’s laughable really. Fact of the matter is the situation in Cuba is deplorable. To live there is to live in a nightmare. Here are the writings of an Australian Journalist who had a slap in the face of reality when she went there thinking it was the fabled fairy tail land of happy prosperous people.,20867,20251894-7583,00.html It was a terrible shock because, like many people, I'd believed the hype about Cuba: that it was a socialist paradise; that Castro was a visionary leader; that the Cuban people were happy communists. In fact, Castro is a gutless dictator who has never been brave enough to hold a presidential election. Yet across the West he continues to be celebrated as some grand, visionary leader, instead of being derided as a lunatic on his last legs.
I 'm pretty sure a majority of the world knows Castro was a shithead. One newspaper article doesn't make him a hero. Get of the "liberal media" kick dude.
You apparently did not read the artical. And the obsurdity is that the media at the time od the posting was acting like Cuba was teetering on the brink if change if Castro dies and U.S. siezed tyhe oppertunity.
Did you read the article? Cause it pretty much said that Cuba is the New Orleans of the bahamas. The week after Katrina.
Phat I don't know if you are refering to me or Gas but for the record I poste the artical because it layed out the True state od Cuba. Not the bullshit that you hear or see in the mainstream, or what the public school system tries to teach the children, or what you see on a PBS documentary.
I've never been to Cuba, so can't comment on the accuracy of the article (have you, Joe?). However, I should point out: - The article was in the "Opinion" section of the Australian newspaper, making its conclusions opinion, not fact. - The Australian is owned by News Corp, which is controlled by everyone's favourite Australian, Rupert Murdoch. - Rupert and News also control that bastion of truth and objectivity, Fox News. - None of this will sway Joe in any way, but I thought it might be of interest to the rest of you.
Valid points to an extent but you know the media is my pet peeve. Now listen to this logic. Imaging if you swapped things around Cuba is actually New Zealand. Now your country has areas near New Zealand that are 90 percent New Zealanders. The reason is not because of an open door policy to let them over. They risk life and limb with a good possibility of death to get illegally to Australia. The dictator of New Zealand brutally punishing and imprisoning in work camps family members of persons who leave. And you personally knowing New Zealanders who have told you stories of the misery. Now imaging all the while being taught in school and hearing in the media how much of a wonderful magical place it is. Basically because the people controlling the information are sympathetic to the political philosophy of the brutal dictator. It's not hard to figure out the b.s. you know. The news frenzy to make Castro bigger than life here in the states and abroad is just another good example.
Hey Joe ! Castro IS bigger than live. HE is a legend. They portray him as a sick dying old man. Your need for a scewered media with a far-right populist base is ridiculous. To many people have to much education. Maybe not exactly in the biblebelt, but at least at the more liberal and productive coasts. They need information that argues both for and against.