telepathy for beginners

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by pimpchichi, Feb 20, 2001.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    When you send your telepathic message (known also as t-mails) be sure to tell your guardian (g-mail) at which timeline or date that you want that person or particular groups of people to receive your message, otherwise the message will be sent to every timeline and other realm to find the person.

    Note: positive attracts positive meaning whomever your message is intended for. They will receive it somewhere in time and the person's alternative self and parallel self will receive it to in other universes and timelines, unless you tell the guardians about the date and universe that this particular person is in. In otherwords,it is destination or indigenous.

    Just visualize or imagine the person or groups of person that you want to talk to standing right there in front of you, about three or four feet away from you or even six feet away from you, and from there get closer up and personal, one foot whether with your eyes closed or open, dependent on your visual skill, development, and concentration in the participation of the drama. See them clearly with appropriate clothes on or just make up one and if you don't remember their faces or just simply forgot, well then just visualize a light being or groups of light beings and the surroundings (environment). Can be where ever you are or just visualize a new environment that you like or prefer. Pretend that you are in the holodeck (like in star trek) and the light being can all have the name of that person whom you forgot (like a name tag or T-shirts with that person's name written on it). If you partially remember, the light being can be male or female (then just talk whatever you think or feel, express it all out).

    Remember to use all five senses in the creative thought (sights, hearing, smell, feel, touch, and taste) drama and after the conversation listen to their response (the response would be, audio, imaginary, feeling, as well as actual presentation of the event, etc.). Then after your drama, tell your guardian to send the telepathic information, of interaction, to the person and their guardians as well.

    Use this method also to talk to the guides. Just use the part that says visualize the being of light surrounding you and the choice of environment that you have created from a real place that exist in third dimension right now, or some where in the future or past. You can even use an event that is in the environment from the astral plane (fourth dimension) and the fifth dimensional reality. There no limits, whatsoever, as long you like and enjoy it. Talk and express, then listen, interact with them, that's all, just like you would talk to a person and a group of people and they talk back to you. Except in this case they are guardian angels or heavenly people or sometimes also known as aliens since they are not originally from our dimension.
  2. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    I donno bout telepathy...But Remote Viewing is pretty spooky stuff...


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