Tammy Faye Death Defying

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nauseous, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I watched this documentary the other night and found it to be really sad and very sobering. Actually, it depressed me and I had to watch that new show that Bret Michaels has out to distract myself.

    This question is for the Christians:

    Why didn't god heal her? She was devoted to the LORD and was very optimistic that she would be healed (even mind of matter didn't work). GOD even told her that she would be healed from this and ultimately, she died. So what gives?
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You have to remember that she didnt want to die. So if she received a message, like most of us do, you hear what you want to hear. I think she lived a long time with a disease that kills quickly in most instances. It was her time to be called 'home'.
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    She was in my Death Pool, I have 2 under my belt this year. I would have 3 if Ford would have waited a fucking week.
  4. improtected

    improtected New Member


    maybe healing her came in the form of taking her to a place where no thing, no illness could harm her.
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    More proof, god dosent exist, and Jesus was just the David Blaine of the 1st century.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If you compaire a lifetime on earth to eternity how would they look side by side on a timeline?
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    My list by the way

    1. Nichole Ricky
    2. Tammy Faye Bakker
    3. Mini Me Verne Troyer
    4. Keith Richards
    5. Nancy Reagan
    6. Danny Bonaduce
    7. Stevo
    8. Lady Bird Johnson
    9. Queen Elizabeth II
    10. Andy Rooney

    My 2 wins so far this year
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    1. The Bible says that everyone is going to die. Even Elijah and Enoch, who are the only two people who went to heaven without dying, are scheduled to make a fresh appearance as the the two prophets. They then get killed.

    2. God did heal her. She died. That's not a bad thing for a believer.

    3. Dwaine is wrong. Nobody is going to protect their magic tricks while they are being beaten and nailed to a tree. Besides, I know that God is real because I am taking Dalauded for an earache, and I just saw him in person. He looks like John Wayne.
  9. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I ate some shrooms and God came to me and told me his real name was Marion. May Marion be with you, Marion Damn it!
  10. improtected

    improtected New Member

    thank god he looks like john wayne and not yoda or david koresh or joan crawford.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    "The Bible said..." That's all I needed to read. Why are so many people enthralled with this book that doesn't even make any sense? Man was created from dirt and woman from the rib of man?

    Christianity has survived because people are afraid to die. They can't accept the fact that when their loved ones are gone, they are gone forever and the only solace that you will get is when you die and are gone forever too.

    I always looked at the bible as a form of greek mythology. Do I believe there was a Jesus? Yes. Do I think he was the son of god? No.
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    It's more Roman then Greek. A council of people in Rome head by a Pagan emperor. They're the one who gave Jesus his Rockstar status. They also went thru more then 100 and something testaments and broke it down to what we got. It was all in order to hold stupid naive people down. Like taking their land in the name of god.... Everyone is cool as long as it is in the name of.

    I always tell a Christen if they really felt the bible is the one true word of God they would be a Jew.
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    My point was not to quote the Bible, but to point out that even the Bible says you are going to die. Nobody lives forever.

    As far as "man from dirt, woman from rib," doesn't science teach us that we "evolved" from primordal mud? Adam said that Eve was "flesh of my flesh". Do you know a better way to clone someone than the DNA from a rib? Anyone that thinks God used a rib to "build" a woman is a simpleton. Anyone that denies that DNA from bone marrow can be used to reproduce a viable copy of a human is also simple.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2007
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You made a good point, but we didn't know about DNA until the 20th century.

    And what about people living like 600 years?
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    We didn't know about DNA 600 years ago, but God did. As a matter of fact, it was 4500 years ago that Moses quoted God as saying that from the seed of a woman would come a deliverer. Ever wonder how one person 4500 years ago, before microscopes were invented, knew that a woman had a seed?

    People lived for 600 years because their was a nice ice canopy over the earth that blocked out harmful UV light. Probably a meteorite crashed through, and caused the canopy to leak and the earth to wobble. This wobble caused the canopy to melt, and thus it rained 40 days and nights. God knew the meteorite was coming, so he warned Noah. Or maybe God simply shot a hole in the ice canopy with a well directed laser.

    I bet you never heard that therory before. I also bet that I can back it up with Bible scripture.

    Trust me Pukey - the Bible is legit. Most of the things people believe are in there aren't, and many things that they don't want to be in there are. It makes perfect sense if you read it with an understanding of the whole picture.
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Somebody smarter than me debate with Barry. I don't know enough science stuff to sound smart and I am too tired to Google.
  17. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    The ice layer is new on me and I've read the bible. The 600 year thing is utter bullshit or they had really shitty calendars. Noah also did some naughty things with his son wife does that still make him a great guy.
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    It's not a debate. I am just a burned out preacher that still believes very much in the truth of the Bible. The problem is that for about 2000 years people just took for fact the things that a few Catholic priests told them. Want some examples?

    1. The rapture. Jeusus comes back on a horse and whisks everybody away.

    The word RAPTURE doesn't even appear in the Bible anywhere. The term for "white horse" is "phos hippos" which clearly means "Light Transport". The return of Jesus will be on a vehicle of light, not a freakin' white thoroughbred.

    2. Heaven is a place far away with streets of Gold, and God sitting on a throne.

    Rev 21 - The Bible plainly says that there will be a new heaven and earth, and that God will live with MEN on earth. It also says that there is exactly one street that appeared to look like clear glass with a golden sheen, and it was in Jerusalem, not heaven. The whole throne thing is simply a courtroom scene for the rebels. It doesn't last long.

    3. The whole baby Jesus, manger and three wise men in Bethlehem.

    The Bible palinly says that magicians from the East came to see Jesus in a house when he was two years old. Says it plain as day. The other story is a fantasy.

    4. Lucifer is out to get you.

    The great and dreaded LUCIFER is a star, not Satan. The term only appears ONCE in the Bible.

    I could go on for days. I actually have a BS in Theological Studies. Based on what I know now, BS is a good term for it. Don't get me wrong - my faith is greater now than ever. I just have major problem with religious charltans, and man made doctrines.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2007
  19. improtected

    improtected New Member

    ooh ooh! this is my favorite part - now go on about mary magdeline ... and the universal language. i haven't heard that one in so long... it'll be a great bedtime story!
  20. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Yes he didnt really turn water into wine, he just set up a micro brewing and wine making kit in the basement and it just took him 8 weeks.

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