Does anybody actually eat the free salad or onions they tend to throw in very shiftily in the bag? I don't, but I always order onion bhajee even if I don't feel like one... Tell me i'm not alone in this?
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS THREAD IS SH-...AHH...UHHH...Dubya! Ut! It's you! Err...just admiring the new thread-must be off now-byee!
That's right lady keep going.Don't you look back now, i'm sure there's a far more interesting topic down there v v v v v v v v v A must more interesting, stimulating and tit-twisting topic.
[staggering desperately in from this thread here]PHEW! Oh- hi UT and Duuuhhhh.....ohhh N-NOOOOO! NOOOOOO! *curls up in corner with head in hands emitting high pitched shriek*
Actually, in hindsight, this thread is pretty fucking boring, then again i'm pretty fucking bored...and pretty fucking boring. It's raining and I have no weed left.
OK it's wet, cold and fuckin miserable.But there no need to be bored, not anymore.Minutes and minutes of reading pleasure [ 09-11-2003: Message edited by: unlimited time ]
i got my pin number and password from them through the post today... no word on an installation date though..
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya: Do they have (or give you) cable download speed?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what the hell is that supposed to mean?
they did give me a free poppadum with my chicken dhansakh last night... no onion salad or chutney though
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya: i meant that broadband speed access mularkey....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You get speeds up to 70kb per second on the 600k service, I have the 1meg line in and the speeds are around double that. Unfortunately in my area and a lot of others near here the ntl servive is rather flaky at times (It has taken me 2 fucking hours to access a web page tonight) and the tech support line is impossible to get through to at times.