"Normal" people scare me. They abnormal ones at least show you what they have to offer. Normals don't show you shit until its too late. Example: A guy who gets drunk and slams his face into a wall 20 times doesn't frighten me in the least. However... a naked man sitting in his living room floor eating brownies certainly scares the shit outta me. I'll take on 3 drunk headbangers before I'd fight with one naked brownie eater.
You know, where i come from its considered 'normal' to drink a litre of Co-op's home brand white cider, take various kinds of 'cool' drugs i.e. poppers, speed etc. and they all look like they've never fucking seen a bar of soap in their shit stain of an excuse for a life. All the people from England know who I'm talking about - those cunts who are always in the bus/train stations, outside the jobcentres the ones that come up to you begging for fags and any loose change you might have. They all wear those off white tracksuites tucked in to their piss coloured socks. They walk like they've fractured their pelvis or they've just taken a shit. These so called 'normal' people are the fucking scabs of the world and in my personal opinion deserve a fucking good beating. I am SOO FUCKING PROUD NOT to be normal. I eat metal and shit chains motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!