They crack a thigh bone open and find lots of soft tissue. I guess all those man-made objects that miners were finding in coal deposits weren't planted, or fakes. Maybe these things really weren't that old, and they were the dragons our ancestors talked about?
Cool now we have Tyrannosaurus rex DNA while we are recreating that zebra dog from Australia we can also revive the T-Rex species. It's a misunderstood species. They will immediately go on the endangered species list and stop all development from the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Grand Canyon. Since that is their fragile homeland. The eco-system will be all the better for it because the wholesale killing off of all species of animals has a domino affect you know.
We would probably have to kill prey for it, since there's probably nothing big and slow enough for it to be able to corner and kill. The gravity dinosaurs experienced is not the gravity that we percieve nowadays. The attenuated gravity of the dinosaur's time allowed for bigger animals like the Ultrasaur to exist. Anyways, my point is if these things are 75 million years old, how is there still soft tissue in the fossil? The great electric upheaval that rocked our planet caused the many different layers that we see in our fossil record, and made everything affected by it seem much older than it really is. These dinosaurs are the dragons our ancient ancestors talked about, without exception, from every corner of the globe. The fact that there is still soft tissue in the bone shows us that these fossils are not nearly as old as we think they are.
The soft tissue they found appeared after they soaked the bone in a solution for several days. The "soft tissue" had actually fossilized as well. They also found medullary bone, which is present in female birds and provides a calcium buffer for when the bird needs to make eggs. You need to read up on this more smurf. They found this "soft tissue" over two years ago. And the fact that soft tissue is present doesn't mean the fossils are much younger then we thought.
Exactly Joe. Too amazing. Soft tissue surviving 75 million years? HaHAhHa, this is exactly the kind of thing we needed to show those fucking idiot scientists how little they know, and how their most fundamental beliefs are WRONG. Keep pondering these things, Joe. You're almost there!
You win diogenes. Dinosaurs and man never coexisted. Any evidence found of man's existence in coal deposits are fake.
I forgot that I don't respond in your posts because you're a crazy fuck. I resume my previous position of not giving a shit about anything you say.
That would be the material vs the spiritual universe. Where Smurfs electrical cosmos was created by energy, while at the same time, The material cosmos was created by the adversary as a mirror-image of the true creation. The latter creating harmony through zero by the opposites of minus and pluss. The former creating pluss by discarding minus from a mould.
Stop being rational and logical Diogenes. It confuses Smurf and makes the forum boring. I think the soft tissue was planted here by aliens. It also could be a news diversion to throw off the suspicion about the recent death of the Enron dude who was facing prison. Or MAYBE it was a dragon that breathed fire and ate damsels in distress, and spoke English with a British accent and a lisp, and he has been in cryofreezer for 100,000 years and the asteroid that missed earth on July 3rd was his signal to awaken and populate a new breed of Dinosaurs who will eventually rule the earth after they take over the Brain Fryathon mind control machine that is in my basement. Thats what I think. Barry
Showing us how little we knew about the damn fossilization process. I had also already read about how they found some of the same things in the dinosaurs as birds, believing that they were the closest relatives. Big fucking whoop, we already knew they laid eggs. Who didn't see the medullary bone discovery coming? Maybe so, diogenes, but I think I'm going to take the word of all the damn ancient ancestors around the world. In Cambodia. Is that a stegosaurus? A piece of a beautiful mosaic that was one of the wonders of the second century world. Called the Nile Mosaic of Palestrina, it depicts Nile scenes from Egypt all the way to Ethiopia.The Greek Letters above the reptilian animal in question are: KROKODILOPARDALIS which is literally translated Crocodile-Leopard: This picture was drawn by North American Indians that lived in the area that has now become Natural Bridges National Monument in the western United States: A similar petroglyph was been found in Arizona’s Havasupai Canyon: A Roman mosaic from about 200 AD that depicts two long-necked sea dragons: There are stories of a plesiosaur-like creature seen in Queensland, Australia. Both aboriginal peoples around Lake Galilee and tribes farther up to the north tell of a long-necked animal with a large body and flippers: There are some clearly ancient engravings in dolerite and gneiss that have been found in Bushmanland, South Africa: The art below is from an Mesopotamian cylinder seal dated at 3300 BC: Discovered in Asia Minor, this and many other artifacts of interest from this region came to light after the delugeand landslide of 1971 in the small village of Girifalco. The terracotta statue measuring about 18 cm long, shaped remarkably like a dinosaur with plates on its back: The January 2003 issue of National Geographic magazine presents an artifact described as a "cosmetic palette . . . from a cemetery of the first dynasties in Manshaat Ezzat." In the 1960’s, a leading jewel designer called Emanuel Staub was commissioned by the University of Pennsylvania to produce replicas of a series of small gold weights obtained in Ghana. So well crafted were they that the animals that they depicted could be instantly identified by zoologists. All but one, that is, which could not be satisfactorily reconciled with any known animal: A slate palette from Hierakonpolis showing the triumph of King Nar-mer:
What confuses is me is how people like you can be such dumbasses, and automatically discount any story of dragons just because once they were finally all dead people started adding their own ridiculous ideas about how dragons looked and acted. EVERY corner of the globe has their story of a dragon, and EVERY corner of the globe has the long-necked dinosaur that looks like a sauropod, and WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? We found the bones, only they don't fit in with our preconcieved notions that those layers of dirt are millions of years old. So who the hell is wrong? The entire population of the Earth at the time, as evidenced by all the damn engravings and petroglyphs and vases and paintings and tales and swords and EVIDENCE.... or diogenes?
Smurf, stop it. You're getting dangerously close to much of the evidence that proves that a biblical "flood" actually happened, which would account for the fact that many of the artifacts we find that date back to the "millions of years" theory, are found before the artifacts that only date back "thousands of years." Oh, I also know some scientists from Australia who do the carbon dating tests that allow for us to date things... Yeah, my dog that was born in 92 and died in 98 was over 30k years old. Yeah... accuracy for the win. TnX. TheStreaker
Something like that. I'm just saying dragons existed because everybody in the world said they existed, and they drew pictures of brachiosaurs all over the damn place. Anybody who thinks they're too smart to believe in that is diogenes.
No, i just think you're looking too hard for a reason to exist. Maybe Diogenies just likes to see you upset, so everytime you retort to his ever persistent malady, you in turn give him reason to exist. Mull that over for a day, and smoke a pack of cigarettes. You might see what I'm saying. TheStreaker
Not really, I just hate smarmy ass motherfuckers who are like "You're crazy man! That ain't possible! LOL!" when it's obvious to anyone who gives the shit even a glance that it actually is true. Tell me Streaker, what do you think our ancestors saw that caused them to draw those things?
I could answer that question a myriad of ways. I could tell you what you want to hear, I could say nothing at all, I could make up some bullshit, or I could speak from my heart. The problem with that, is that if I speak from my heart, you'll disagree, or find it too vague for your liking, so I'm going to say it anyway, and fore-bear your comments. Basically, I think they saw the same things that I see every day. Do you realize that our technology is nothing more than an adaptation of things that have already been invented, or desired to be invented? I've taken a lot of drugs, as I'm sure at this point is obvious, and I've seen some cool shit. As a matter of fact, I've patented some of it, and made a fair amount of money doing so. I've seen some crazy shit on drugs. Drugs that were being used unwittingly by the general public back then. It's not news, and I'm sure when a good portion of the old people were around, the bones that were buried under the dirt, were still on top of it. TheStreaker
Then they wouldn't be 75 million years old, would they? Everybody from every corner of the globe knows what a sauropod looked like. What are the odds that all these people would dig up a whole skeleton, piece it together, and then start all sorts of legends about them? I just find it easier to believe some catastrophic shit went down and the Earth we know today is not the same Earth our ancestors knew.