Along the same lines as the Tits Survey, let's investigate preferences in the posterior: The questions are the same: 1) If you could have one of these asses for just *one night* to bang, lick, felch & do with whatever you please, which would be your 3 favorite butts (in descending order of preference)? 2. If instead you were to have these butts for an extended, indefinite period (min: 1 year, max: life), which would be your 3 favorites (again, in descending order)? Response Matrix example: 1-D,G,B 2-G,B,D Again, lesbians and female bis are welcome, too.
MUCH BETTER! ...thankyou Stranger!And just what the fucking hell was that *thing* that my beautiful peachy round ass replaced?
Nope, sorry, Nursey - however nice your hind end may be, and however much Pimp asserts his worshipfulness of it (as if anything else is expected), that particular pic is insufficient in aspect and color to satisfactorily convey its qualities for the survey's purpose. You do have the opportunity to resubmit a suitable one. Specifications: full color, of course; angle of view must be no greater than 30 degrees left or right of buttockal cleavage centerline; and a minimum 6" of bare skin above the hips and below the bottom buttockal crease (so proportionalism can be judged)
It's not about the ass itself, people, it's about how far you can go into I right? (At any rate, my answer is: any of them)
I have stated the parameters of the decision-making process, and provided a fixed set of candidates from which to choose for a reason. YoMamaz, your response is invalid and cannot be recorded. While you may indeed be satisfied with any one of the candidates, I'm quite sure you can discover 3 preferences.
Thx YoMama & Devil (and don't forget to rate the tits, D.) Frankly, I'm underwhelmed by the sparseness of responses so far. I really hadn't imagined this would be the excruciating chore it evidently appears to so many. To help get the ball rolling faster, here's mine: 1. A, K, L 2. H, E, J
Or better yet,post the addy of the site with all of the asses on it.My..ummm...aahhh...friend wants to look at them.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: THIS is my favourite ass.. and it's already mine BWUAHAHAHAAAA!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's your ass Pimp? Damn dude,you need to think about stripping.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Sputtered Kitana in a totally predictable feminist fit: Emetic: why dont you show us pics of guy's asses? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite simple: I'm not interested in male asses. This survey is quite clearly directed at heterosexual males, lesbians & bisexual females. There was no allowance made for asexual females like you. But if you wish to conduct your own survey on that subject, what's stopping you? Meanwhile, STFU - I'm trying to conduct an experiment here. or even better, your ass ? My ass has nothing to do with it as I explained above. If you'd like to submit your own nude caboose for inclusion in the gallery, you're welcome to do so - just make sure it adheres to the layout specifications provided earlier to Nursey.
My hypothetical picks: H, K, E H, E, J I have 2 questions about those pics. 1) What is up with that silvery alien shimmer on "A"? 2) Is it just me or do "G's" arms look a little too tan and masculine for that body? (Hmmm, maybe somebody has spent some time in Thailand?)
1) It's not so much a silvery shimmer as - if you look closely - a purplish mottling resembling the pooling of venous blood in a face-up corpse. Apparently she doesn't get much exercise and/or was pharmaceutically altered at the time. 2) She does have a definite 'farmer's tan' rather than the all-over toasting of a dedicated sun whore. But she's a she.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic: 1) If you could have one of these asses for just *one night* to bang, lick, felch & do with whatever you please, which would be your 3 favorite butts (in descending order of preference)? ...To help get the ball rolling faster, here's mine: 1.) *A*, K, L 1) (about *A*)It's not so much a silvery shimmer as - if you look closely - a purplish mottling resembling the pooling of venous blood in a face-up corpse. [/b] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...would you mind sharing with us just what it is exactly that you'd like to do with *A* for one night,but one night only??
Nothing I wouldn't do to any of the others. But it's been awhile since I had such a fat girl, and I remember that big booty being really fun to slap nads on while pounding doggy-style. Just wish she'd cleaned her crack first - if I hadn't been so drunk, the stench woulda knocked me over.