union thug flowing across my hands as I slit his throat and look all knowingly into his eyes reminding him to stay lucid till the end pondering his eternal stay in hell. Assuring him that it is virtually over now nothing left but a few short moments in time. The climax being that split second moment of realization in his eyes that resistance is futile and what I am saying is true.
Don't tell me you like unions and approve of intimidation of honest hard working blue collar workers. In your dimly lit world of reality the use of mafia tactics by the union is appropriate. :
http://www.townhall.com/columnists/column.aspx?UrlTitle=dont_scrap_the_private_ballot&ns=EdFeulner&dt=05/06/2007&page=2 What the people should have done was invited the union workers into the house and killed them then pulled their car into the garage and stuffed the bodies into the trunks and then quietly dropped the cars 40 foor under water at a local abandoned rock quary. Simple no more harassment. Fuck the scumbags they diserved worse but thats about all you can do. Here is the text the shit bags tried this under republican rule and it was not a chance. Now with the dems in office looks like Bush will get another chance to use his veto stamp. You find that in any number of stories about voting irregularities. For example, in Florida's 13th congressional district, Republican Vern Buchanan won last fall by just 369 votes. Democrat Christine Jennings cried foul, noting that some 18,000 ballots were cast without a vote for either candidate. (The House of Representatives is investigating.) Not to worry, though, because organized labor has a way to end electoral controversy: Eliminate the private ballot. Big Labor doesn't put it that bluntly, but that's the upshot of the inaccurately named "Employee Free Choice Act," which union leaders are pushing hard before Congress. If the measure becomes law, it would completely change the way workers form a union. Instead of using a private ballot, union leaders could unionize a company by "persuading" a simple majority of employees to sign union cards. It sounds simple, but consider the implications. "Card check" gives union organizers carte blanche when it comes to convincing workers to have a union represent them. They can visit employees at their homes to try to talk them into signing up. And good luck saying "no." If union officials can't get half the company's employees to sign up the first time around, no problem! They simply revisit everyone who didn't sign. And revisit them. And revisit them. They can keep coming round, day and night -- as often as it takes to pressure the holdouts into signing. Look what happened in 2000 when organizers tried to unionize Trico Marine, a Texas-based company that supplies materials to offshore oil-drilling outfits. One employee in Louisiana actually had an arrest warrant issued against a union organizer after that organizer visited his home eight times. Another employee reported that union organizers shot videotape of him outside his home. He thought he was being marked for potential violence. Not surprisingly, these organizers are frequently unwanted visitors. When one employee refused to answer his door, union organizers walked around his home, knocking on and peering through windows. In another case, a fight broke out inside an employee's house between the worker and the organizer who was purportedly there to help him. Sadly, the intimidation works. Some "employees volunteered that they signed cards just to stop the pressure and harassment," Labor lawyer Clyde Jacob testified before Congress. The solution is simple: Retain the system already in place. Today, union organizers can request an election once 30 percent of a company's workers sign union authorization cards. Employees then vote by private ballot in government-supervised elections. The process is fair, since every employee can vote his or her conscience in private. Sure, private ballots can cause problems. It would clearly reduce controversy in the Florida case, for example, if we knew for certain which candidate each voter cast a ballot for. But under card check, workers would obviously lose more than they would gain. Secrecy allows voters to make free decisions about what's in their own best interests, secure they won't be punished for expressing the "wrong" opinion. Workers should be free to unionize. But they must make that decision on their own, not have it made for them by Big Labor organizers. Our lawmakers owe it to workers to protect their right to a private ballot.
Yeah Lomo you know the sad part is you are entirely correct. Imagine open voting for unions and guns being illegal? Democracy hell weather you like it or not communism then is no longer a nuisance forever attempting to get in the back door. It's large and in charge that 800 pound gorilla in each and every room and woe to those who are patriots of freedom.
I absoultely hate the concept of labor unions, but I actually inderstand why some people desperately need them. The powerful abuse the helpless. It happens. Sometimes Unions are the only way that marginally skilled laborers can stand a chance. The problem is that the "leadership" of the Unions are not much different than the powerful people they oppose. They use their power to intimidate. They are just as despicable as the abusive employer. I hate the people who run Unions. I sympathize with those who merely pay dues and try to survive.
The only thing the unions down here do is drive up labor costs, which makes builders/whatevers go elsewhere for labor. They charge their members dues whether they are working or not, for their own good. And like GM and UAW are learning those parachute benefits packages are coming back to bite them. Notice how Nissan opens a plant in Tenn. Union free and the cost of Nissan vehicles are better than most counterparts vehicles? Why buy a cavalier or malibu when you can get a Sentra or Altima? That will last longer and hold its value?
One only needs to look at the rise in automotive prices versus the rate of inflation... Case in point.
Try as you might Joe, i'm afraid you can't use Pimp (who has his own computer in his own home) to deflect any of that gayness away from you! A thread entitled "Sure would be nice to feel the warm blood of a gasping..." and which then goes on about looking 'knowingly into his eyes' before 'climax' - the point where you overpower 'him' - already stinks...of repressed, embittered homo.
No. But if you find graphic representations of the latent sado-masochistic homosexuality exhibited in many of Joe's posts cause for arousal, who am i to judge?
OUR UNION FRIENDS ... PURSUING THE POWER PLAY! Unions are getting desperate. There used to be a time in America when the majority of U.S. workers in manufacturing and other industries were proud union members. No more. Now the only place where union membership is actually growing is in the so-called "public sector." That, for those of you who went to government schools, would be government. It seems that more and more Americans have come to recognize unions as part of the war on individualism. Membership continues to drop. Fear not, union fans! There's a plan afoot! Just do away with union elections! The idea now being pushed in congress is to allow unions to organize a workplace without an election. This would circumvent the laws that have been in place since 1935's National Labor Relations Act. The new idea is for something called "card checks." Rather than voting via secret ballot, this bill, called the Employee Free Choice Act, would allow unions to use "authorization forms" instead of an election with secret ballots. The difference? You can intimidate someone into signing an authorization form. It's hard to intimidate a worker when they're casting a secret ballot. The entire premise of fair and open elections is curbed so that unions can have more influence over your vote, which is all they ever want from employees. And unions, yet again, feel that they are above the democratic process. They feel that collective bargaining is "better" for all, and that you should not have the right to act as an individual and make individual choices that might make your life better, compared to your fellow workers. There is a reason that we vote in secret—but clearly, unions will forever be tied to their communist mentality.