Supreme Court Testing the waters on Abortion

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  2. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    How late ? Is it that partial bith child sacrifie we are talking about ?
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah, that was awesome how they were doing that. Pull the kid out a bit, still considered being in the mother, and poke that shell and scramble the egg.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't see the necessity of partial birth abortions. If the kids already half-way out why not just deliver it and put it up for adoption. If the Supreme Court were to declare it illegal I would sleep just fine at night.
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I dontthink it would survive. Its probably a provoked abortion-premature birth when the babyfoetus is so big it would be a real mess in the Mam-womb
  6. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Reading the link, it seems that it's a specific kind of abortion, performed in the second or third trimester (i.e. 4th to 9th month of pregnancy), in cases where the mother's health is at risk.

    It doesn't seem we're talking about women who've just had a change of heart here.

    But I'd certainly agree that if delivering the baby (and then putting it up for adoption) was viable, then termination shouldn't be allowed.
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    9th month , thats sick :evil:
    Its like an escalation of evil between US this and US that.

    Deathpenalties and people watching them die and the bloody fires of Magog in the brass furnace of Babylon.

    Get somewhere :?
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That logic speaking Chester but the pro-choice see this as a front that they just cannot afford to give an inch on. The irony is that half of there likes are the type who will fight tooth and nail for the right to kill there own offspring while ad the same time defend the life of a known murder rapist against the death penalty.

    When you take the blinders off and start objectively looking at it there a sick bunch the pro-choice group.
  9. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yeah ! Just like states that kill in peacetime 8)
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    "Save the whale" but "protect my right to kill my baby" . "Save the endangered toad" but "protect my right to kill my baby" "Save the murder rapist from execution" but "protect my right to kill my baby"

    If only whales were just a by product of a few minutes of passionate grinding of ones privates into another persons of the opposite sex up to the point of exchange of bodily fluids in a frenzy of orgasmic pleasure, then it would be like "fuck those damn whales I brought them into the world I got a right to take them out you know!"
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Up until the point of viability a child is a parasite. Assuming that pro-choice are automatically anti-death penalty and environmentalists is bullshit. You're forgetting how factionalised the left is in the United States.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Let’s see them show their commitment to their fractionalized opinions then at the voting booth.

    But you see on election year their not so fractionalized are they? You see they are all victims swept up in the whole swirling net that the dems have used to capture all the special interest groups. The answer to you problems is to vote for us. The problem is they can never be allowed to solve the problems as they promise less they loose that carrot they have dangling in front of them every election year.
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Funny, that sounds just like the Republicans, which have wrapped up the most powerful special interest group of all, big business.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Improved economy is in the interest of Big business.

    Here is a challenge for you give me a random list of 100 successful startup business franchises.

    Stay within only one guideline "random" do not selectively pick. And let’s see under who’s administration they were started under. And let’s see under who's administration they flourished.

    I think you will see that the republicans are much more friendly to the small business person who is ambitious and wants to get out there and achieve. That’s the regular Joe out there just like you and me. Don’t believe that socialist crap that your liberal collage professors spew all the time.
  15. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Come on guy's I been on the net a long time I mean a long time. I made my home here because you guys happen to be some of the brightest minds I have seen on the net.

    But you still fall to the game every damn time. You start end fighting and forget the point the heart of the matter.

    I myself can care less what a women wants to do with her body. I belive that is between her and the man who knocked her up. I really belive that 2 names should be on the papers before they go in and blend the thing. If the father is knowen or can be found.

    But again that is not the point. The court is wading the waters, Bush wants them to see if they can get this threw without a backlash. If they can then they will go on a full tilt to outlawing it all togther.

    Its plain as day.
  16. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    What does that have to do with big business being in bed with the republicans. Don't try a straw man with me. The republicans are in bed with big business. So are the Democrats, but big business dumps way more money into republican candidates then it does into democrats.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Grim wrote...

    I think that standard should only apply in light of current child support laws. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely in favor of child support, but if a man has no say in whether or not the child is born, should the woman be able to collect money from him for the child she alone carried to term. I don't think Roberts and Co. is going to change abortion laws to much though. Roberts is a federalist, and he'll leave it up to the states wherever he can. I don't know about Alito.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    My thoughts exactly and I'll lake it further. Our country is not a pure democracy but a representative republic. In light of our government structure and the way the courts are stacked. This issue belongs to the state courts. If you want to live in a state that condones killing babies then go to that state and live. It’s your free choice.

    As for chicks that get knocked up on purpose like the typical scenario depicted in the "Officer and a Gentleman" movie I believe that happens all the time. And the welfare system compounds the problem. But that’s why it’s important to think about the choices we make in life. If you take away responsibilities then people act in an irresponsible manner. It would be nice to be able to go through life never having to make amends for mistakes we make….. But then again maybe not, without responsibility for actions the world would be chaos.
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    You're an idiot Joe. You got no understanding of how an economy works and all the little conditions that allow a small business to flourish. And even if small businesses flourish, that is still one small ray on the entire economic spectrum. I can see that you're trying to think for yourself, but it's soooo hard Joe, I know. Keep trying, you might see past all the garbage and BS and fuck anything about the news, it shouldn't have any sway on your opinions whatsoever. Even if you think it's liberal garbage trying to blemish the republican party's rap, that's just having the reverse-psychology effect. The truth is they all suck, this way of life we got sucks, everyone's getting cancer and we're all about to be broke and in the middle of war, and who's doing what to prevent it? They're all full of shit.

    The majority of the people don't know how the system works, and are bored with finding out. They hear Greenspan mumbling jargon they can't understand and they switch the channel, and so you don't hear any complaints from them. The people who do understand the system depend on it for its favors, and so you don't hear any complaints from them, as well.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    30 percent absolutely dead on correct. 40 percent well intended but confused. And 30 percent must be still feeling the effects of those shrooms you previously mentioned. Go back to playing Halo any attempt at breaking it down and explaining it further until you get out from under your psychedelic influence would be moot.

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