Went and saw the movie last night after work. I would have to say it is one of the best movies I have ever seen, even if you're not a comic genre fan, which I am not, the movie is fantastic. It's worth going to see for Kevin Spacey's performance alone. Bryan Singer did a fantastic job, I would highly reccommend the IMAX version, it made the special effects seem absolutley amazing.
I've seen this film twice now. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I loved that Singer followed Richard Donners take on it (this was techically a sequel to the old SuperMan movies 1 & 2, making you thankfully forget 3 and 4). And Spacey followed the footsteps of Hackman's Lex perfectly. Brandon Routhe also did an amazing, if not SUPER job as Kent/Supes. My complaint isn't with the acting in this movie, or the direction, but rather the plot..or lack thereof. It was just not... well planned out. It was all sort of filler to showcase these characters. The movie was basically a three part play... Part one was re-establishing the characters, which went rather ok I think. Not great (or super) but... marginal. The weakest link was Bosworth as Lane. In fact, she sort of ruined the whole movie for me. (And i feel this way about the leading lady in another certain red and blue comic book characters movie) Let me interject here and tell you (or remind you as it may be) that I am a Marvel fan through and through. So I found it very, very,very very, funny (far too funny to not be called a geek) that James Marsden was Lois's new interest. Which translates to this. Cyclops stole Super-Mans' woman. HA! In your face D.C.!! Anyways... The Second part of the movie was Supes being back. Everyone loving his return etc etc..This part was the strongest part of the movie in my opinion. Still it was lackluster. Strong, but not strong enough. The third part , which would be the climax, was so strung out and..well just too long and didn't really make a shit ton of sense overall. This was the worst part of the movie. (yes Crystals are now like Sea-Monkeys, as mentioned in the movie. it was like a reference to how terrible the plot was right in the fucking movie!) Yes we saw Super-Man rise above and stop evil, but it was just soo....not SUPER. Now the first time I saw this movie, well I admit that I liked it a lot more than the second. The second time through I realized just how fucking long and boring this movie was. Some people are calling it "Lois Lane the movie", which is understandable, but still wrong. The overall problem with this movie was that it wasn't enough Super-Man, too much of him appearing would of made it just as bad, but after all the build up, I sure as hell wanted more Super-Man. And I certainly didn't want to see a bunch of thugs kick the shit out of a crippled Super-Man (insert Reeve's joke here) just to see them die under falling rock pillar. All in all, Kevin Spacey stole the show, what a great performance. And yes, once again you will believe a man can fly. This movie is worth watching, but it lacked something that the first two installments had years and years ago, something intangible. This movie touched the surface of that feeling, but far to briefly and didn't all togehter capture it. I really hope Singer trys again with the next one, if anyone can do this franchise justice, it is him, he just missed the bullseye this time around. As a final follow up on this, I think a lot of fans really wanted to see Supes battle it out with another "superbeing", someone on his level. Let's face it, as Super-Man, his only real weakness is Kryptonite. Which is a very very very very rare thing. A piece of his home planet... all radioactive. But yet, every tom, dick and harry comes up with a piece of it(even a local Metropolis Museum)..bullshit and boring. I want another fucking Zod (Kneel before him!) to smack Supes around. Maybe we can get a Doomsday or someone in the next movie...anyways. Watch the movie , it is worth it. perhaps a 6.5 out of 10 is in order for this movie. Any more thoughts on this film?? Discuss...
I wish they would kill Lois Lane off. We should get together in person and discuss the merits of the movie over a couple of Guiness. Over all I thought the movie was an 8.5 out of 10!
You would think, If suerman was all that super, He bust a supeloaf in her mouth and blow the back of he head off..
bang lois never Some sci fi writer had a piece in The Magazine of Feminism and Science Fiction years ago explaining in painstaking and hilarious detail why Lois and Kal - El's love must remain platonic.