the damn station that had the super bowl got all kinds of emails and phone calls bitching about her tit being out. bunch of pussys whining about the stupidest shit.
why is it that when ever they show tit the nipple is the part covered? might as well show the nipple too, no reaso not too. or is it too reavealing to reavel a 1 inch circle?
Could you have made the picture any bigger you dumb fuck? Jeez... Now I have to scroll across as well as down... :evil:
If men weren't so sexily obsessed by them then no there wouldn't be a problem but as the majority of men would wank over a nipple being flashed then i can see why it's not appropriate for family viewing.
got a point there. some people are saying it was on purpose. i can see why though. after all why is she wearing that little thing to cover her nipple if she had a whole piece of latex to do that. supposedly he was supposed to pull off the red fabric not the whole tit cover.
just hotlinking off another site, .... i can make it larger and upload it to my site and post it if you like.....
I agree, there was no way that was on accident.Nobody wears a glittery nipple cover under their clothes unless they r gonna flash their tits.I only ever where plain ones on the days they stay covered.
post pictures... right before the kickoff after halftime there was a streaker also... anyone else catch that?
didnt hear about the streaker, but i did hear about all the fuckin traffic that was downtown. im surprised there wasnt any big problems. in about the past two or three months we have had about a dozen accidents with the new metro rail. i think in one week we had two. i dont see how though, there is a big ass sign with a bright red signal stating no left turns. plus the trains are loud as hell, i dont understand how your gonna miss a 50+ foot long white moving object with a train horn constanly blairing.
i guess Miss Jackson's nipple art was some kind of piercing. so i read somewhere anyway. way to get the spotlight off of her freak brother for 10 minutes!
many people think that the people against metros toy train, have staged the accidents as a sort of "i told you so" type thing.
I heard about the streaker...didn't hear MUCH, but I did hear a mention. I need to find the pics of that... And Ain't that a bitch....guy plans this for who the fuck knows how long......does it...........get's away with it........and he's overshadowed by a fucking TIT! An UGLY-AS-SIN woman's tit nonetheless!!!!!