my brother got drunk and depressed... lonely.. high.. board ..whatever. Called a depression hotline. Talk about ways to kill himself to some nice lady. After 45 min of talking there was loud banging on the door. opened the door, there was a bunch of cops. They took him and held him a few hours, had someone do tests on him and crap... took him back home. I dont know if I should laugh at the situation... or cry. but anyway... I know it was a cry for help... or maybe it was just a silly bad idea ... so much 100% confidentiality. so FYI dont calls those hotlines... even if it is for shits and giggles
If they think the person is in danger then by law they have to. Or get their hardworking ass sued by some scumbag family with a scumbag trial lawyer that gets half the money. And several people loose their jobs.