Staggers in........ s'been a while and i cant be arsed to check through all the old posts; whos still alive/reguarly posting from the "old school" elite? its coming up for 5 year membership now, my how time flys! *rollseyes* reading through some of my old posts with mixed reactions it's been the best of times, its been the worst of times...... anyone else felt themselves feeling old? ive seen people around me age, people online age..... fuckin savage eh! im sure i had something relevant to say.......
Somthing smell know that smell!! It smells like alcoholic step-dad!!! Bob when did you get back??!! Good to hear from ya!!!
Nevermind GrimJesus, Bob. He's fugly's resident retarded pet. Much worse than Harlan. Harlan looks like a fuckin' aeronautical engineer compared to this chump.
Apparently you haven't seen many engineers. From the picture he looks like he could have been a valedictorian from MIT.
Ok! But bring a large bunny suit for when we go picking. The law has just been changed to make them a class A drug (same classification as heroin or cocaine), so they need to be eaten straight from the field.
Such a good boy, Dwaine. Much appreciated. Pimp just refuses to go along with the whole bunny-guise idea these days after a small incident with a carrot. It was only littool as well. ??? I think when someone as dull, insignificant and creepily inadequate as 'Rat's Tool' posts such a pompous looking, limp-wristed fucking arsehole, it means he thinks it's clever, witty and great. :idea:
Hank, how come you never posted a real pic of yourself? are you hiding something? We are all betting you look alot like william hung with down syndrome, Whilst your grandma makes you make deliveries from her resturant on your bike...
i'm so gods dammed sexy that I might turn you schmed...err i mean gay. And its bad enough you eat all the chickens....we don't need you eating cocks.
Does MAlabs know what you do on thier PC's... I bet you are sexy in your vollyball outfit... you tiger you..