Just to drop a dose of reality in your collective laps..... FivePeckers has a hidden agenda in all this Medicvet bashing. The truth of the matter is that he started his own little Forum, which he proudly displays as his sig line. His huffing and puffing here is really just a way to drive traffic to his site. Spamming with a twist. He hopes you all will join the migration. Thought you would like to know. Barry
Oh, EAGLE- since you know everything about everyone here, let's take a gander at you, shall we? Eagle334th's profile: Overly aggressive, Type-A personality with sociopathic tendencies and an inflated sense of self; (this candidate is more than likely to be extremely prone to fits of rage, as well as road rage when things aren't perceived to be "going his way"). Shows characteristics of a Narcissistic-Conforming subject, and is defensive, self-centered, confident, controlling as well as explosive, hypervigilant, reactive, arrogant, self-involved . All of this has an extremely close relation to this (see exhibit A, below) : My diagnosis would be to get some type of seratonin uptake inhibitor and a general prescription for penicillin.
you know, personally, I thought it was vad when you pissed off quasi-intelegent misinthropes, but fuck with vets, its all all on!!! Kudos to you guys (and gals, no disrespect intended) *salutes*
Well hopefully that was truly meant ( )....and thank you!!! Now I've got to play in my new site...the joy!
"Over there, over there...!" It's like a comedian once said, " If rabbit tastes just like chicken, and frog legs taste just like chicken, and snake tastes just like chicken, then WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING EAT CHICKEN? It's the cheapest meat in the world!" which is my way of saying, "over there! over there!"
no yruly it was ment.. (unoffically, I am one of the fugly .com staph (dwaine felcher) but feel fre to write articles and post them on my site (http://www.tattooedscumbag.com) I won't efit or buckle to empty threats, just dont get me arrestes (post kid porn, or write ariticles in graphic detatial about killing G W Bush) anything rlse goes. register, click submint news, then use html for images, and have at it
Dwaine! A shameless double spam of a spammer. I am impressed! They love you man. Treat'em well. Barry
Barry, eventhought you fespise me, I am dead serious about going out on that boat fishing with you! anyplace yo plud in a rice cooker? I ll bring the wasavi and soysauce Ans eye patch abd pegleg
I would treat you but am a complete fraud and never served so am completely clueless! :roll: Guess I will just have to kiss booboos to make them better!
Despise you? No way! Once I finally figured out that it was not you who was stalking my daughter I kind of felt bad about my maltreatment of you. I've talked to you on the phone more than my I have my wife. Sheesh, you are practically family. You will still have to prove that you have had your shots before you get on board, however. Barry