speaking of babies

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by I HATE NAGGERS, Mar 8, 2001.


    I HATE NAGGERS New Member


    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    I'll take a Big Mac with some placenta on it please......

    stupid fucking cunt....nothing against Brits mind you....

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    jesus christ, you need a fucking job....how do you find time to type those diatribes?
    fucking Brit.....
  4. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    A needle full of heroin really gets those creative juices flowing huh Pimp?
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    actually it was a gram of charlie... i was typing that post till 6:30 just fuckin goin off on tangents...then i had to go to work.. i saved it instead of pressing submit.. and when i remembered it today i opened it up to post it and took a quick read.. the fuckin thing was immense... went on about internet age and computers and imagination and writing sci-fi and serialisation of epic stories and train timetables and a clockwork society and imagination/thought being a building block of the universe and shit...

    i just pasted the bit that was relevant to why i clicked reply to post in the first place.. and left the other 4 1/2 hours of aimless rambling out...
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IHN:
    nothing against Brits mind you....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    why not?? ... most brits are annoyingly whiny freaks with an unfounded superiority complex when it comes to the US... probably gotten from the fact you used to be an imperial colony....
    history is history... it's past tense.. the present and future is what counts...

    and another thing brits/europeans spout is the "we have such a rich history and you only have 500 years of it".....
    but.. i say again.... history is history..
    it should only be recorded as an aid to advancement... to record mistakes so that we learn from them....
    it is not something to point at and say.. "we did this... we did that".... 'cos it's what yer doing now that counts....

    not that i dislike my fellow british citizen... i just despise anybody who engages in jingoistic chest-thumping patriotism.....

    because every country has valuable qualities to be proud of... but thay all, also have many things to be ashamed/embarrassed about.... not all countries have them in the same ratio... some countries are complete flea ridden shit-holes... but they always have some redeeming qualities....

    i have most often found that the shitty, poor, (bordering on) third world countries ... generally have the best attitudes amongst the general populace..
    they know hardship and have to live it every day... so they notice the good things that are around them... shining out from the suffering like bright stars on a overcast night.... and they appreciate the good things more.....
    us in the so called advanced societies have created an insulated, comfortable world... where we have affluence for all... even those living in so-called poverty have all the basic mod-cons... and those below that poverty line... ie. the homeless, they are still provided with the bare minimum needed to survive.....
    we have created a market-driven society where money, image, status is god...
    we bombard our citizens with conscious and subconscious conditioning... instilling in them the values that have been created by the true leaders of the first world... big business.... from the cradle to the grave they are brainwashed into desiring material things and aspiring to more wealth and symbols of affluence.... but we have created a situation where people are judged solely on their appearances and their success... and the need to create an image of success is above all other goals...
    the poorer breadline-hugging underclass is also bombarded with this propaganda of marketing... and have the same aspirational spirit thrust upon them... but unfortunately.. in deprived cash starved areas ... there aren't the opportunities for advancement the middle class get.... but they still desire the NIKE trainers and faux-designer clothing, or the latest technological off-shoot from the inevitable convergence between communication and entertainment and information... they cannot afford to go out and buy these things they are told they desire... so they steal them off those who can afford them...

    [This message has been edited by PimpDaddy (edited March 09, 2001).]

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