Something for the English Fuglies

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by GreenAppleSplatters, Jan 15, 2002.

  1. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    I found this pretty damn funny...

    However, the residents of the 1700's (or 1500's for that matter) didn't have access to the Internet and had to invent silly new words instead of spending time downloading porn. This resulted in conversations like the following highly-factual chunk of dialogue:

    VICE PRESIDENT OF BRITISHLAND: "Dear sir, how should we handle this situation with those deplorable Americans?"
    KING BRITISH: "Those arrogant lads need to be taught a lesson! Bring in the American representative so I can reveal my new tariff to him!"
    ENGLISH GUY: "Talley ho and gentle fortnights to you, dear swish! I was just displaying my Sunday face to the dear queen when my mentulated schvance caused her colostrum to turn your fellow daughters into Sapphic harlots!"
    KING BRITISH: (Confused) "Well... um... I've called you in here to announce the new set of tariffs that I plan on imposing. I think you'll find them to be most cruel and unfair!"
    ENGLISH GUY: "Well tipher the autocads, boatjerkeys, my penstiance has marloed the final wayans! Effentrics aside, this hugo will not gurette minstle's treehag!"

    Although America broke off completely from Britain and later renamed itself "The United States," the damage was already done; Britain and England were soon knee-deep in raving nonsense slang that nobody could understand. Speech scholars, which are known as "talkingographers," tried to document the various slang phrases but were greeted by the hairy hand of failure slapping them across the face, as nobody in either Britain or England knew what the hell they were saying anyway. Most English slang is the equivalent of the blank tile in Scrabble; it's a wildcard that can be substituted for absolutely anything whatsoever, and it usually is. However, life is not Scrabble. You can't just waltz into my livingroom, start using the word "fortnight," and expect me to reward you with a triple word score. Instead I will probably shoot you in the face or at least cower in a menacing fashion. But this article is not about English slang; it's naturally about Internet advertising.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    "Fortnight" means 14 days. Even a lowly American such as myself knows that...

    Maybe I just spend too much time watching Clockwork Orange...
  3. D

    D New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Pearl Necklace:

    Maybe I just spend too much time watching Clockwork Orange...

    or Keeping Up Appearences on BBC America

    Sparky always gets a pan-handle but doesn't know what to do with it. So he gets his pee and em to sort it out. Sparky is poogly of ptitsas. no in out in out for him unless pee and em are there.

    Wank smecks - what did I just say?

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