To hear John Kerry Mr. Silverspoon himself. It's the bottom of the bucket looser group of Americans. Fuck John Kerry! Facts are a bitch arn't they so how about the real facts.
The real fact was it was a shot at Bush and his Education Polices. Also Silver Spoon or no, the motherfucker was in Vietnam and deserves the respect it comes with. Bush dodged it like the rest of the Silver Spoon club.
That piss ant piece of shit went to Vietnam for the exact purpose of what he did which was to try to make a mockery of the military and get some fake medals then go to the states and spread propaganda for the enemy. These are well documented facts. And to go along with the "I was referring to Bush” line is a crock look at what he said in the context in which he said it and to whom he said it to. I noticed how all the networks dedicated each about 30 min. to Kerry spin trying to turn it around from the damage he had done.
Yes Joe you're full of nice fluffy shit. Must not of watched Foxnews that acted like someone killed a dog or something. I'm guessing your talking about those Swift Boat Vets. Regardless. He was in Nam which is more then I can say for Bush.
I served and fought Grim so tell me where did you serve? Kerry is no better than Benedict Arnold. I got plenty of right to say that.
So there you go that establishes it you got no room to say shit. You certianly do not have room to bitch about GW and as for Kerry if you take his position your no better.
I get off in a while I can explain it’s basically a question of moral equivalence. The fact that Grim wants to use the "He served therefore" bullshit argument. A ridiculous one that you can stand on its ear when you consider that fact that he betrayed his own during combat and made a mockery of the award system using his connections. But it goes deeper. Not enough time keep getting interrupted by work :shock:
I'm taking neither position as both of them are idiots. All I'm saying is your buying into the spin. He flubbed a Joke. As they pointed out on The Daily Show last night Bush has done the same thing.
It's funny cause they are really in a suburb of Austin, TX! If you look real close you can see the phrase 'hook em' horns' on the sign to the left of the building!
Grim avoided a real military experience by serving in the Air Force. It's like saying someone cannot bitch about how Detroit played on the World Series if they weren't there. But by god they were in the stands selling peanuts. If you take a opposing position to this view and that’s fine with me then you must also take an opposing view to the idea that GW skirted involvement. See the equivalence? It’s like if I were fat and ugly and looked like John Belushi but could still get some ass because I spewed out my pacifistic opinion knowing that girls like to hear it. Instead of holding my ground and being a man. Hell I may even get to seek out some seriously deranged females who were lucky enough to have inherited an estate even though I look like Lurch from the Adams Family. Their more than willing to spread their legs for some loser with a pacifist point of view. Neither of these scenarios would make me eligible to claim John Kerry is untouchable. John Kerry pissed all over real troops with this treasonous rhetoric. Fuck John Kerry!
My bad I reread that last post and can see how it could be misconstrued that I was making a derogatory remark about Grim. This is not the case I was really referring to John Kerry’s preposition to having no class. I guess I sure "Flubbed" that one my apologies to Grim. Oh and the Daily Show just fun slapstick light hearted humor. I’m sure that they did not sidestep there policy of unbiased humor to educate to the masses that Kerry was only being misunderstood and that Bush is an ass. One might then conclude that they were being biased.
John Kerry Said the Same Things About the American Military in 1972 Kerry says he was not talking about the troops but bush instead. Then why this? Fact is enlisted troops do not generally have any college. While Both Kerry and Bush do have college you see that’s a big problem with his alibi so to speak. Kerry was born into wealth true that gets him into the school but his grades sucked four d's his freshman year. Besides it is not the first time. Remember just recently he called them terrorists? That’s not to mention back in the 70’s he testified falsely I might add all sorts of atrocities. He told many lies that can be proven as such.
Uhhh Bush wasn't born into Money? He is the original Geoffrey Bodine, Do a lot of coke screw some women get a DWI. Then run home to Daddy and go I want a Baseball Team Daddy! I want an Oil Company Daddy! I want to be Governor Daddy! I want to be President Daddy! I want to Rule the World Daddy! Get the fuck over it Joe I use to have a bit of respect for you. But as of late you have shown your closed minded pompous ass self. The simple fact is neither side is roses & tea parties. But you're blinded by your sheep mentality to be spoon fed whatever they want you to believe. Oh and do you believe the bullshit so much so you spoon feed it to everyone around you like it's a goddamn true to god History book on what really happen with Jesus Riding Dinosaurs, Whoops you God fearing folks call them "Jesus Horses". Wake the fuck up and smell the goddamn roses. Anyone in Politics is in it to FUCK YOU RIGHT IN YOUR TIGHT WHITE ASS! Anyone who said they got into Politics is lying to you! Anytime money is involved in anything people will figure out a way to take it away from you that does not land them in jail. We call it Government. So please remove your head from your ass and look around at the world and realize how fucked up it is for all our sakes. Then go vote for fucking Popeye or Barry for all I care. Just stop being a pussy peddling parrot of the right. Have an original fucking thought for once.