I was driving down this busy road tonight, and did a double-take when I noticed a kitten crouched down on the center stripe of the road... Sheer impulse and possibly concern for the kit's life struck me, so I did a U-turn and went back. Poor thing mew'd when I approached it, and then came right up to me. I don't know if I should feel panhandled, or just take comfort in knowing that the kitten might've been trying to commit suicide. Took her home, fed her, and watched as she explored the whole house - she crawled into an arcade game cabinet twice, and then spent most of her time fixated at one of the aquariums. Now, she's sleeping in my favorite chair. What have I gotten myself into? ???
So the new meds have triggered your latent homosexuality I see. Here is the cure - 1. Adopt a large pit bull dog from a shelter. 2. Starve it for about three days. 3. Place a bowl of food just out of the dogs reach, and let him watch the Kitten eat it. 4. Unchain the dog.
Guess naming the kitten isn't such a concern anymore - turns out the cat is deaf. It's completely white, with two baby blue eyes. Apparently the gene that codes for the white coloring also inhibits inner ear development. What's the point of naming her if she'll never hear me call her? ??? Fuck. It's only the second night having her, and I'm seriously questioning if I want to keep her. She's driving me up the fucking walls right now with this constant activity. Makes me wonder if she found my Adderall. She's pouncing at the fishtank, chewing on shit, getting behind the TV and playing with the wires, and fucking hell - I saw her trying to 'play' with this rather large barrel cactus with 1" thorns... That's the last thing I need, a deaf and blind cat. Sure would make the name selection easy, though. I don't know how much of this I can take. :-[
Christ - now I can't get her away from the mouse cursor... Every time I spray her with the water bottle, I have to wipe the fucking screen.
I'm about ready to do a google search for "cat euthanasia"... But when she's calm, sitting in my lap, and purrs... :-\ Dammit, why do I have to be such a fucking softee? (Taken out of context, those last two sentences take on a whole new meaning, don't they?)
Well I haven't adopted any kittens, but the meds have turned me into a 'nice' person (dammit ) so I'll side with Dr. U. C. Icare and say that the Adderall has turned you into a pussy. You'll be skipping across meadows and hugging trees next.
Better than the name of our cat its called 'cat' we was up all night thinking that one up,i fucking hate the black furry fucker.
Sex is what I have with your wife/girlfriend. I make her make faces like this.... :-* Rape is what you do to boy scouts. You make them make faces like this... You little cunni......
OK, did you just happen to have a kitty playhouse and a red collar lying around the house or have you been to Petsmart?