He wants his $300 back, I told him to read his contract, offered to let him set in on another 4 hour class, as long as he paid shop material costs. so he is gonna "sue" Feh. Anyway, I made a $50 wine stopper for shits and giggles: and finished a honeycomb/double wigwag marble (approx 2 1/4 inch) I used a new white in the marble, you can see it started to turn "carmel" I think thats the last time I buy egyptian sands white.... Now who wants to buy these for there private collection?
what gave it away? the pics of glass? No offense it's like "Hey I lost the keys to my suburban" "oh yeah? where did you put them?" "well if I knew that motherfucker they wouldn't be lost!" Eh, Im just on edge today I guess... Like fratboy douchebags that say "Oh you blow glass? I got something you can blow!" then grab thier crotch and laugh like a retard who JUST made that joke up...
Ya, I wasn't going to go there................ LOL So what the fuck is up with the pic on the tinfoil thread... it's all kinds of messed up.
Maybe dwaine can find out about beans for us........... you know like look her up in his phone book or something LOL
at least u realized u spelled clientele wrong. that's cute... where abouts in maryland did u sell? in that case, maybe we've met. LOL
maybe. she's in charlotte, NC isn't she? if that's not too far, if we become good enough friends with him, maybe he can do a drive-by stalking... LOL i want to know if she's alive or dead damn it!
Wholesale only, I have a client confidentuality rule. I never lst my clients, unless they open post my name with my work (like thats a big seller) Plus after Operation pipe dreams, I do not transport a glass smoking device over state lines
I do have three stores I sale too in charlotte, and some drinking/shooting friends up there... Beer and semi-automatic weaponry... They have a nice plonking range, automated targets, lots of fun