The Earth's magnetic poles might be starting to flip say researchers who have seen strange anomalies in our planet's magnetic field. The magnetic field is created by the flow of molten iron inside the Earth's core. These circulation patterns are affected by the planet's rotation, so the field normally aligns with the Earth's axis - forming the north and south poles. But the way minerals are aligned in ancient rock shows that the planet's magnetic dipole occasionally disappears altogether, leaving a much more complicated field with many poles all over the planet. When the dipole comes back into force, the north and south poles can swap places. The last reversal happened about 780,000 years ago, over a period of several thousand years. Now Gauthier Hulot from the Institute of Earth Sciences in Paris and his colleagues think they have spotted early signs of another reversal. South African anomaly They used data from the Ørsted satellite to study strange variations in the Earth's magnetic field. In particular, one large patch under South Africa is pointing in the opposite direction from the rest of the Earth's field and has been growing for hundreds of years. The anomalies have already reduced the overall strength of the planet's magnetic field by about 10 per cent. If they continue to grow at the same rate, the Earth's dipole will disappear within just two millennia. But Ørsted is the first satellite to take a snapshot of the Earth's magnetic field for 20 years, and such scant data makes it difficult to predict future shifts. "We can't really tell what will happen," says Hulot. "But we speculate that we're in an unusual situation that might be related to a reversal." Journal reference: Nature (vol 416, p 620) I found this of intrest too.
Wow, two millenia, huh? Psshhhh, I'm calling for one to come a-crashing down on all our heads gradually over the next few years. They think that satellite is the only one to take a picture of our magnetic field for the past 20 years? Then they're idiots. I'm sure the same bunch making these hurricanes have been taking their snapshots. But there have been all sorts of things popping up that have scientists wondering "what the fuck?" And I'm sure there other things they don't know about. Something's gonna happen soon. Interesting article about Hunab Ku and Mayan beliefs.
I say we get our ass to the equator, live in those rain forests until this 2012 shit passes, and see what happens when we get mixed up in that galactic equator. Come on, who's coming with me?
Let's get to the equator Grim, if we survive this shit, we may very well get to live for a long ass time after it, and things might be pretty sweet after it all. Die before then, and you risk coming back as a pig or a dog or some other snake-food. I know something big is going down, and sitting around waiting to die isn't what it's all about.
He'll be the first to go, as he'll try to roundhouse kick the apocalypse in the face. It will destroy him. His beard will survive, but anyone standing behind it will evaporate.
Some say the Mayan calendar is wrong because they calculate a year as 360 days instead of 365. In which case 2006 would be the equivalent to 2012. Perhaps you should head to the equator now smurf. Everyone else, just be ready to switch the battery cables in your car.... if you don't die.
They didn't start the other year until after those 5 days though, which were considered unlucky anyways. I'm pretty sure someone worked all that out Ferine. But I'll be off to the equator as soon as things start getting bad up here; sure there's more spiders and snakes and beasts to bite me, but there'll be a lot more fruit and meat to eat than up here when the shit goes down. OoOoh it's going down so hard...
Hi Ferine Tyhe Mayan calender includes two years one with 280days and one with 360. In the 360 count they allso use 5 wery unlucky days, and in the end it is all adjusted somehow to make it better than the julian calendar we lot had when we came over
Smurf if this is true, It does not matter where we go we are all dead anyway. Note: Not the Mel Gibson part. The Maya's astronomical knowledge was inherited from even an older and more mysterious civilization at Teotihuacan near Mexico City which contains the famous Pyramid of the Sun and of the Moon. The Pyramid of the Sun is perfectly aligned with the star cluster called the Pleiades which the Egyptians also took into account in building their pyramids at Giza. There is a connection between the ancient religious beliefs of the Sumerians, the Egyptians and the Mayas, especially as they relate to the creation of the universe, of the human race and of the future. The Mayas approached "prophecy" by deeply studying the periodicity of cycles, especially astronomical ones, and their connection (synchronicity) to human events. They were also deeply spiritual and very aware of the role that human consciousness plays in connecting to and obtaining information from nature. They knew that ingesting certain plants, religiously and with reverence, would open the doors of perception and lift the veil that keeps mankind from seeing certain realities and communicating with God. This knowledge must explain how they were able to ascertain what will happen on October 21, 2012. Incredibly, they knew, over a thousand years ago, that on this date there will be an astronomical alignment of our sun and the center of the Milky Way. This impending alignment of the sun at that very point, according to Mayan calculations, culminates at the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. Also, on this date, the tail of the "shadow" serpent descending the northern steps of the pyramid at Chichenitza will be pointing exactly towards the Pleiades star cluster which will be located straight up and over the structure (See pyramid below). HUNAB KU - Mayan glyph representing a "black hole" at center of our galaxy Today, modern astronomers, with advanced technological instruments, know that the center of the Milky Way galaxy contains an immense "black hole" which is constantly giving birth and swallowing stars. The Mayas had a glyph that represented a "black hole" in the center of our galaxy. How they were able to know this, no one knows. The Mayas tied their philosophy entirely on what they observed in the heavens. They thought that the center of our galaxy was a "Cosmic Mother Womb" and that it gave birth to our world. They believed that our world went through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. October 21, 2012, they said will end the cycle and our world will end by fire but will be reborn in a new, different and more evolved form. This will be the beginning of a new sun or the "Sixth Sun" according to the Mexicas (Aztecs).
Yeah I read that one the day I posted you that stuff, Grim. You always were one step behind me. HAHAHA!
check out my grim this is for you, pole flip thread i got a link about how the earth's wobble stopped wobbling, abruptly
Yeah, I listened to that interview with Lloyd Carpenter. I'd find it believable that the earth stopped wobbling, however coming from a source that believes God imprinted faces on the ocean floors makes it kind of hard to swallow. He seems intelligent enough... Interesting, because the link I gave says Michael Mandeville and doesn't say anything about Lloyd Carpenter. If you bothered to check it out and read it, you would know that this is a completely different guy who doesn't even mention that crap. I don't even listen to Coast to Coast, and I didn't know there was an interview talking about it until I Wiki'd "chandler wobble". I read that shit on Mark Watson's site, same dude rambling on about how the depression is almost here. But like I so greatly prophecized in my "Grim this is for you: Pole Flip" thread (much like Edgar Cayce prophecized these Earth changes supposed to be going on now): Like I said, the guy's shit is pretty solid. But whatever, don't bother reading it. It's long and boring if you aren't capable of understanding it, and it's much easier to believe ol' smurf is crazy anyways.
Oh, i'm sorry, I was referring the the other pole thread where you referenced wikipedia. You keep saying you don't listen to Coast to Coast, yet almost every article you post has usually been a guest on their show. Including Michael Mandeville, who, I have heard interviewed and read some of his work. I think you have me pegged wrong smurf, I don't agree with everything you pull out of your off the internet, but I do research to decide what I find true or false. And you're right, it is easy to believe you're crazy... Perhaps you should listen to Coast to Coast, since it does seem right up your bunker.[/url]