I went to the combined slipknot and slayer concert two days ago, it was fucking awesome, but I cant fucking hear anything on my left ear and the right one is just one loud ringing sound.
Slayer is fucking awesome, I've seen them a few times, the first was in 91 at Clash of the Titans... seeing Slayer almost makes up for the fact that you saw Slipknot, god what a waste of an opening act.
I can't stand any of that shit that's trying to get passed off as "metal" now-a-days, it's just fucking shit. I saw some interview with those pathetic asswipes last year, they all talked about themselves in third person and complained about how their parents mistreated them.Slipknot is for teenage boys who don't know better, end of story. Fucking Gwar wannabes.
GWAR gucking sucks, I ahev never in my life seen worse bullshit, and I really dont give a shit about lives of the band members as long as they make music I can steel of the net from them. IMC, I know what Ozzfest its, would love to see it this year. THe thing I saw is their tour here in europe, its called The Unholy Alliance.
Unfortunatly I can't make it, fucking work. I've seen Gwar enough times though. Coma, you can steal anyones music off the internet, why not find some band that isn't shitty. Slipknot, Korn, Limp Bisquit,Linkon Park etc. i'm convinced it's all the same band seeing as how all they all sound equally as shitty. I can't believe any of those fucks has the audacity to call themselves Metal bands, or even bands at that.... fuck them all. Nothing personal against you so don't get all jumpy.
why? is mudvayne a jew band? i actually like that one song, you know in case of fire BREAK the glas or is that taprooth?
Place will be nice, but chick-wise I'm spoken for, just make sure we have booze and drugs... I'm gonna start making arrangements now ot get time off and transportation there...
No, old slanty will not be coming with, though it would be entertaining to see what she thought of GWAR. But at any rate I'm not gonna cheat on her, so just make sure there is plenty of booze and drugs you stinking shitheap.