Slaves to Big Pharma

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, May 18, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    U.S. Senators Financially Enslave Americans As Indentured Servants To Big Pharma
    by: Mike Adams

    The facts found in the report are almost as astonishing as the source of the report itself: USA Today, a mainstream media giant in the United States, has revealed the apparent financial conflict of interest by U.S. Senators who voted against the infamous S.1082 reimportation amendment. That amendment would have ended Big Pharma's monopoly over U.S. consumers and ultimately saved American citizens, businesses and governments tens of millions of dollars by allowing them to import medicines from other nations with approved safety records (such as Canada or Japan).

    But 49 Senators voted against the amendment, defending the Big Pharma monopoly that continues to force Americans to pay the highest prices in the world, by far, for medicines. As I've documented in my book, Natural Health Solutions and the Conspiracy to Keep You From Knowing About Them, some pharmaceuticals are marked up 500,000% or more over the cost of their ingredients!

    What could have prompted these 49 Senators to vote to protect the profits of drug companies? Follow the money and you'll find your answer. As it turns out, nearly every one of the 49 Senators who voted against drug reimportation has accepted money from drug companies. USA Today reported the top offenders who voted against the bill, along with the dollars they've accepted from drug companies since 2001:

    U.S. Senators' Drug Money
    Richard Burr, R-N.C.

    John Kerry, D-Mass.

    Joe Lieberman, I-Conn.

    Arlen Specter, R-Pa.

    Orrin Hatch, R-Utah

    Max Baucus, D-Mont.

    Tom Carper, D-Del.

    Mike Enzi, R-Wyo.

    Notice that these Senators represent both major political parties, and there's even one independent in the mix. Consumers should remember that no political party will defend the people against powerful corporations. Ultimately, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle will sell out in order to protect their own power and reelection funds.

    As Rima Laibow ( observed in a recent e-mail update to her readers, it's amazing just how cheaply the U.S. Senators have been bought off! For a few hundred thousand dollars -- the profits from only a couple hundred prescription drug users -- these Senators appear to have been either strongly influenced or outright bribed to kill a measure that would have saved Americans tens of billions of dollars and finally freed the American people from the financial stranglehold of Big Pharma.

    These Senators, of course, all insist they were voting to protect the "safety" of Americans, claiming that medicines imported from other countries are dangerous. But medicines bought right here in the United States are killing 100,000+ Americans each year! Do these Senators somehow imagine drugs bought in the U.S. are safer than the same medicines purchased somewhere else? Do they suffer under the illusion that paying more for prescription drugs somehow makes them safer?

    When it comes down to it, none of the arguments against drug reimportation hold water. The killing of the amendment was done for one simple, uncomplicated reason: to protect the safety of Big Pharma profits by forcing Americans to pay monopoly prices for their medicines.

    Modern-day Indentured Servants
    The whole price fixing scam brings to mind a relevant term from American history: Indentured servants. These indentured servants were people who agreed to work a farm or plantation for a period of 4-7 years in exchange for passage to America. But dishonest plantation owners played a cruel trick on the indentured servants: They had to buy their farm tools and supplies from the plantation owner. But they couldn't pay cash since they didn't have any money, so they were forced to extend their work commitment in exchange for tools and supplies.

    A shovel, for example, might cost you another month on the farm. A set of work clothes might cost you two months more. Little by little, the plantation owner enslaved the indentured servants in a never-ending cycle of debt that could only be repaid by a lifetime of work ending in death and bankruptcy.

    Sound familiar? Americans are trapped in a lifetime of medical debt being paid to wealthy drug corporations. If you live in America and need medicine, the FDA and Big Pharma are doing everything in their power to make sure you have no choice but to buy it from "the company store" -- the monopoly-controlled U.S. pharmaceutical market that's basically in the business of ripping people off by selling them dangerous synthetic chemicals.

    Need to control your blood sugar? That's a few thousand dollars a year. Have high cholesterol? Another few thousand. Got cancer? Fork over several thousand dollars each month for yet more chemicals sold at monopoly prices to a nation of health consumers who have been financially enslaved as Indentured Servants. I once talked to a cancer patient who was about to fork over $14,000 per injection for an experimental cancer drug! That person's life savings would have been wiped out in just one month while enriching the richest corporations in the world: drug companies.

    Modern medicine is the new indentured servant plantation. Same scam, different crop. The American people are once again being worked to death by greedy businessmen who only wish to increase the size of their own profits, regardless of how many people have to be exploited or destroyed along the way. And 49 U.S. Senators seem to whole-heartedly approve of this financial enslavement of the American people. They voted, on the record, to propel a profiteering price scheme operated by a criminal conspiracy masterminded by the FDA and Big Pharma.

    Republican Senators who voted for the financial enslavement of the American people
    Lamar Alexander
    Robert Bennett
    Kit Bond
    Jim Bunning
    Richard Burr
    Saxby Chambliss
    Tom Coburn
    Thad Cochran
    Norm Coleman
    Bob Corker
    John Cornyn
    Michael Crapo
    Elizabeth Dole
    Pete Domenici
    Michael Enzi
    Lindsey Graham
    Judd Gregg
    Chuck Hagel
    Orrin Hatch
    Kay Bailey Hutchison
    Johnny Isakson
    Jon Kyl
    Richard Lugar
    Mel Martinez
    Mitch McConnell
    Lisa Murkowski
    Pat Roberts
    Arlen Specter
    Ted Stevens
    John Sununu
    Craig Thomas
    George Voinovich
    John Warner

    Democratic Senators who voted for the financial enslavement of the American people
    Max Baucus
    Evan Bayh
    Maria Cantwell
    Thomas Carper
    Edward Kennedy
    John Kerry
    Mary Landrieu
    Frank Lautenberg
    Blanche Lincoln
    Robert Menéndez
    Barbara Mikulski
    Patty Murray
    Ben Nelson
    Jay Rockefeller
    Kenneth Salazar

    Corporate imperialism at work
    One thing that these Senators have demonstrated quite convincingly is that the rich get richer in America, especially when rich Senators protect the rich drug companies at the expense of the increasingly impoverished American people.

    In my opinion every one of the Senators listed here should be voted out of power at the next available opportunity. But of course, Big Pharma can buy off the replacements just as easily. There's no end to the cash being generated by this illegal price fixing scheme that, by any sane standard, would have long ago been classified as an organized crime racket and prosecuted under the RICO Act.

    The real problem, then, is not necessarily dishonest Senators who would sell out their countrymen (and women) for a few dollars from Big Pharma. The real problem is that corporations are allowed to financially influence lawmakers in the first place! The problem is the lobbying and campaign finance structure that allows virtually all lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to be so easily and cheaply bought off (or at least strongly influenced) by corporate interests. Lobbyists are far too influential in Washington, and in fact, the Corporation itself has become dangerous to the health, safety and future of the American people. (View the documentary: The Corporation at )

    Even if these 49 Senators actually sold out the American people, and even if they resigned tomorrow (which they would never think of doing, of course), their replacements would be just as easily corrupted by a system of corporate control over U.S. lawmakers that has turned the United States into a Plutocracy -- government by the wealthy elite, where the corporations and the government become one entity that exploits the productivity of the population to enrich the few.

    As I pointed out in a previous article about this betrayal by U.S. Senators, many of our lawmakers have become adversaries of the people and are now openly fighting for the expansion of profits and power for mega-corporations while steamrolling the interests and freedoms of the American people. In a very real sense, they have openly betrayed the American people they claim to represent. They have devolved into corporate imperialists who aim to shore up their own power by sacrificing the interests of those they have sworn to protect -- the voters who gullibly put them into power in the first place.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I hear your complaint and revelation as to the incompetence of the American system. So what is the answer?
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I fucking hate richard Burr. He is the local douchebag who used "the terroist gonna get you!!!" tactics to win here in NC, and put his foot down on getting medicines from Canada to save money. I hope he gets assainated
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Dont get ill!

    No but seriously, there are so many people willing to just hand over their money in the hope that they will be cured, one thing you can do is just not give a shit like me, there is probably dozens of things wrong with me, I know being a smoker and drinker isn't doing all that good either but I never want to know about it. Ignorance is bliss as they say. In the Uk with the NHS its more about the waiting lists and the indecisive, inaccurate opinions and he fact that I've diagnosed everything I've ever had because I'm online (really, the last time I went to the docs, I told them what it was, they confirmed it and gave me what I thought I should require, which I also told them)

    How many more will give up 10k or 20k, only to either stay ill, or stay ill and die? You should spend that money on something you've always wanted, or spend that money on something you've never done before. All we hear is 'I'm taking meds', there doesn't seem to be any news of 'I've been cured and stopped taking the meds' perhaps its because they dont work! Its because your body and your mind can heal itself, given the right opportunities and motivation, but we arn't given that chance.

    They always say you shouldn't play god, but that's what these companies do, its what doctors and surgeons do, it just stalling for time. In the mean time, why not enjoy what you have the best way possible and tell the big pharma companies they can go f**k themselves. You arn't going to live forever, stop tying to think you can.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I am going to frame the above quote and label it "The Mantra of willfully ignorant dead man."
  6. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    So what are you saying that raises my chances of death to 110%? One of the great authors and lessons my Grandfather instilled in me was: "The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." - Jack London

    Majority is of the problem is American's promote quantity over quality and tend to view life from the rear view mirror.

  7. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    We're all going to die, one day. I will enjoy my life as much as I can before that day.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm with Diss on this one. But the medications we are talking about are products of capitalism. Don't rock the capitalism boat. Let the money drive the industry and thusly let industry produce the best medications ion the world.

    O'yeah and kill all the trial lawyers.

    But as for me personally I say fuckem show them your a winner and live while your are alive.

    Who knows maybe we could live to 500 years in a cocoon with some oxygenated, pink, slimey fluid. But would we be living?
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I intend to enjoy my life as much as I can for as LONG as I can. Messing myself up with self abuse is stupid. Tobacco is the ultimate time robber.
  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    It depends on the particulare illness. If it's diabetes not worrying about your blood sugar levels and keeping them controlled with drugs translates into impotence, kidney failure, ulcers on you feet that utlimately become infected down to the bone that won't heal due to poor circulation resulting in amputation, going blind, ...... If it's hypercholesterolemia not taking lipid lowering drugs translates to coronary heart disease heart attacks in your 40's, 50's and 60's along with peripheral vascular disease not being able to walk through a parking lot due to severe crampl, impotence, ultimately a bunch of surgeries to try to restablish blood supply and then maybe amputation. If it's a scratch that turns angry red and turns into a cellulitis not taking antibiotics if it's a flesh eating virus might mean your skin could literally die on your body and there is a good chance you will die. If it's strep throat when you are a kid not taking antibiotics could translate into valvular heart disease resulting in heart failure in 40's and 50's requiring a valve replacement and taking anticogulant drugs the rest of your life to prevent a clot being thrown up from the artificial valve and giving you a stroke. If it's not getting pap smears then it's cervical cancer that could have been prevented by removing the tissue. If it's skin cancer death in what could have been removed early by a simple biopsy. If its appendicitis peritonitis and perforation of you appendix with possible sepsis and death. Smoking possible cancer, premature coronary artery disease, toting around an oxygen tank, not being able to catch your breath losing a bunch of weight, having to purse you lips to breathe, peripheral vascular disease, many other types of cancer besided lung cancer, decreased ability to taste food, couging all the time with chronic bronchitis, increased chances of pnemonia, poorer outcomes with surgeries due to injury to the vascular endothelium lining the vessels...ect
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    so the difference really is between death and lingering painful death
  12. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I would think that you would be more likely to suffer a lingering painful death if you avoided going to the doctor until you absolutely had to or someone had to make the call for you depending on the condition. Smoking is good for causing lingering chronic bad health if thats what you are looking for.
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Well said DOCTOR.

    PS - you are still a loser but at least you have my respect that you actually got a diploma.
  14. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Who you calling a loser you fucking twit. Your the one with a wife whose ass looks like a battleship.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I hear your complaint and revelation as to the incompetence of the American system. So what is the answer?
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Strangely wooden sounding comment, Joe. Are you having to say that through gritted teeth or something? Does it pain you to admit there is anything wrong with America? The answer? I think we should get the Iraqis to liberate you from your corporate slavemasters once they've driven the foreign invaders from their land. ;)

    First of all, i don't think it's just an American problem, so stop sounding so defensive. And i don't think it's 'incompetence', either. I think it is purposely corrupt. The entire structure of western society is corrupt in favour of the most powerful elite to the detriment of us all. And we are going to see things get markedly worse as time goes on.
    The only answer i have is to inform people. It's the only solution i can think of to a problem that takes its' power from mass ignorance. Whether it can make any difference is another matter, but it's all i can do.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  18. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Ouch. I felt that one.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Capitalism is not perfect. Neither is communism both seem good on paper though.

    America is being assaulted systematically by the liberals, trial lawyers, unions, media, and entrenched government institutions.

    Capitalism wins hands down no contest every time. All this corruption you hear about you hear about via the media. All the charges and investigations are by the Democrats. These big businesses you love to hate Nursey have been shown that under no circumstances if there is a mere implication that any possible impropriety has taken place while dealing with the republicans. They will be taken down. At the same time they know that the ship is sinking and they can do precisely what they when they want and how they choose. All they have to do is fill the pockets of the Democrats. The media is totally and inequivalent behind the liberals and will act like stories of Democratic corruption simply do not exist. While at the same time will make a public example of Republicans and charge innocent conservatives with crimes and punish them as if they are guilty.

    John Murtha you know the democrat that committed treason against his own country falsely accusing the Marines at Hadithia of war crimes. Has once again broke the rules of congress committing an impeachable offense. All the while attaching 90 million dollar ear marks onto a bill. Did you hear about it in the news? No you did not and you will not. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid while doing what he can to raise taxes, fraudulently bilked the same tax payers breaking the law to avoid paying real estate tax. Have you noticed the 24/7 news reports about the serious crimes that were committed and the publics desire for justice. No you did not and you will not. Diane Feinstein did you hear about her illegal government contract deals that benefited her husbands companies? No Nursey you did not and once again you will not. But Duke Cunningham a republican guilty by association of much lesser charges has been indited and charged.

    Scooter Libby can anyone actually tell me what he is guilty of after years and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investigation regarding a leak by some idiot blabber mouth named Armistance (liberal Republican) of which the prosecutor was aware of two weeks after the investigation began?

    Is Prosecutor Fitzgerald investigating Joe Wilson who lied for political reasons not small lies but lies under oath. Lies politically motivated to destroy a Republican Presidential campaign? No as a matter of fact the man who cannot hold down a job and is obviously an imbecile is heralded as a hero and given millions in book deals to spread more propaganda.

    Would you care to argue me on any of these points?
  20. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    What it really comes down to is the less profitable it is to sell drugs the less new drugs get developed. There is alot of attempts at repackaging drugs and marketing them as new but the real impetus for better drugs comes from higher profits. That is why it is easy to sit back as someone not voting on legislation and talk about profiteering without having to be the person making the vote to take the profits away knowing that that will result in investments in things other than treating and curing disease. Kind of like when there was a flu vaccine shortage sa couple of years ago becasue it just wasn't profitable to design the vaccine and sell it and no corporations stepped up.

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