I think that "Critters" movie where the one came up the toilet and killed the guy while he was making a deposit.....
Poltergeist....the scene where the kid gets attacked and nearly eaten by the tree outside his window. I had a tree like that outside my window when I was little, I was always afraid it was going to come to life and kill me.
That movie was freaked up, especially when the 'pool' flooded and all the dead bodies were coming out in it, "They didnt move the graves, Just the tombstones....." Arachnaphobia, didnt care too much for it either. I cant remember the name of the movie, but I remember there were these chrome balls that had like forks on them, they would hit you in the forehead, then a little drill would come out and it would bore a hole in your gord and then pump all your blood out through your head. Damn it. I hate when I cant remember the name of a movie.
It may have been "Hellraiser" I have seen so many horror movies I can't remember one from the other some times. Like Stephen King? I'd love to see his house on Halloween!:biggrin:
Yep, thats it, I saw it when I was like 12 or 13, scared the crap out of me. Of course then I saw 'Once Bitten' with Jim Carrey and I was ok.
I'll tell you a shitty movie people made out to be scary "Open Water", if there wasn't titties in that movie I would have demanded a refund
Damn Maj beat me to it, yes Phantasm is cool, strange trilogy that is but a good one. I think what would scare me the most is more like a face hugger from Aliens that I couldnt get off, those things are creepy.
I've had AMC on in the background. They are playing Halloweens. I always thought Candyman (the first one and only the first one) was a good movie. I won't say it 5 times in a mirror.
I love the song. I have wanted the soundtrack for a while but never have picked it up. I got the soundtrack to Friday the 13th the Series and it's pretty sucky except for the theme.
No no .. its Biggie Smalls.. Biggie Smalls.. Biggie Smalls And yes, candyman is an excellent psychological film. Sometimes I think I've seen way to many films, but then I realise at least they were good, original films back then and not some recycled, rehashed hollow effects filled crap. I think meeting pinhead in a dark alley might give me a bit of a startle too. "I will tear your soul apart, the pain will be exquisite.. oh and have you got change for a 20" Get out of my way you filthy bum!