I knew about this a few months ago but here it is for the uninformed, it has a bunch of extra linsk further down the page.. http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/internet_fed_researchers_want_to_scrap_net.htm
There is nothing wrong with a healthy level of skepticism. So why not question China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran you know the funny thing about info wars is how obvious it is that they are delusional. The great thing about conspiracy theories is that they tend to revolve around some point of truth. This cements into the numbskull's mind that everything is true. And any unprovable reasoning anyone can dispute is a lie they to are part of the whole conspiracy. While you are exercising your healthy measure of skepticism on what ever interesting tidbit that Info Wars decides your should "skeptacise" on why not "skepticise" on info wars interesting perspective of what is and what is not worthwhile information to conspire about? ;D
I think I would sleep better at night if someone would silence info wars. As a matter of fact do it in a clandestine way take out everyone associated with it using some sort of rare tropical disease. Then have freak accidents destroy their data no doubt stored of 1000 different servers scattered through out Russia and North Korea.
1) I've never believed anything I've read there outright, or any source for that matter. I've always looked further. 2) How do you know that everything you've ever read is the truth? or a lie? All you have to go on is what people say and you put trust in what people say as being the truth. Most of the time people say what the government wants, sometimes they dont, who are you to decide whats 'right' or 'true'? Joe, all you ever do is criticise and usually with terrible spelling, you are so quick to dismiss anyone else with any sort of theories and as you are a frequent proponent of like theories all it does is make you look like a hypocrite. NOW, go and look up internet 2, in google... ooh what do you find " Internet2A consortium led by universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies http://www.internet2.edu/ You're a moron Joe and you have zero logic ability, that must be crushing blow to someone with an ego like yours.
So you refus ta adreass my piont than.... I du nat blame you it's a lousing battle. Attack the messenger then an act of desperation.
f**king hell, if you blame me for what you've done already, and quite clearly too, then you really are a hypocrite. Now lets see: Yes, why not, pity its too late and has already been done, everyone and everything has been questioned sooner or later, its part of who we are, to question, test and observe isnt it? An attack on the messenger (1) No wonder you think everything is true, without actually going to FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF, like me. This isn't a clearly defined statement, or a question, in fact its a mess of pseudo-intellectual vomitus. whats your point? Attack on the messenger (2) Besides, whatever you scheme in your darkened basement, while listening to Disturbed at full volume and self-harming with a pair of rusty pinking shears, is OK with me, as long as it doesnt spill out into the boards. Now I have, pointless though these points were. Remember, trying to hammer a speak & spell in frustration with your chubby fingers, will not sufice as a proper thesaurus and may even be inacturate, as demonstrated.
Anything and everything can be questioned. I think that blue is not blue and red is not really red. Beside the fact that any item you are looking at is simply absorbing a spectrum of colors while what you see is a reflection of what is not absorbed. I'm not even going there. This goes back to the Freemasons and the illuminati who changed the definition of the terms way back then when people used to speak of "Blood Blue" roses and such. You have herd the term "Blue Blood" haven't you? You see that one got by them. But they quickly reacted by changing the definition of what a blue blood is. 8) Slick little bastards they are. Oh and BTW you spelled isn’t wrong “isn’t” a word you would type to avoid hitting the space bar and replacing o for ‘. Mean “is not” So let us see how it plays out, shall we? Yes, why not, pity its too late and has already been done, everyone and everything has been questioned sooner or later, its part of who we are, to question, test and observe is not it? Well, hmm, interesting, is …….. it not? In reference to: Yawn.....To deep for ya ??? That right there on the verge of plagiarism it seems you copied that right out of “The Dummies Guide to Witty Forum Putdowns and Comebacks” You did however skirt that charge when to ingeniously misspelled “suffice” and “inaccurate”. Smooth Move there Exlax. I would like to bring to the attention of the jury exhibit A: Look man while I believe I have a history of overlooking peoples grammatical errors as a moot point and a distraction to the subject at hand. It does not mean that I am oblivious to them. I know what people are trying to say generally and do not need to attack them personally. My grammar is decent and that’s about as good as it gets. We can all resort to using spell checkers and scouring though each post to ensure there are no run-on sentences and such but does that take away from the fun? Come on this is Fugly Forums. You’re all right in my book Disorder so please don't take it personal it’s all in good fun. There are precious few people in the world that have the clear, precise, lucid view on life that I do. And all others are just different varying degrees of wrong.
"In traditional grammar, a contraction is the formation of a new word from two or more individual words." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isn't http://www.answers.com/topic/isn-t :-\ ..and that isn't a tired cliché either! Too confusing actually, If you are going to try arguing a point, at least correct it and punctuate it properly so I'd know what you were gibbering about .. .. At least its proven we're both as fallible as any other, though at least you understood me