I've always been a huge fan of the Hitman series. I use to always get them on the PC because the visuals and controls were always better. Well I got Blood Money for the xbox to get the Achievements since I've played the game on my PC like every day. Just something about the game that makes me strangely fulfilled. I feel so calm and relaxed when I play it. I can do levels like over and over and never get tired of offing the target. Some of the older games like Contract I can go thru and kill everyone on a stage without raising an eye brow. It's almost OCD with me and the killing it brings feelings of joy and happiness.
Get it out of your system on the XBOX. I have it, too. I never made it past the Insane Asylum. I got kind of overwhelmed with it and lack the patience. The Opera level is cool but I had to get a walk-through complete it.
I didn't like that game, Im too impatient, I don't like having to wait 3 minutes to do something in a video game
I could've sworn you typed "The Oprah level..." I was about to jump out of my seat and buy the fucking game!
Yeah they need to be consumed in tiny pieces, a few level attempts and then a break or else you might go nuts. I've liked the Hitman games, another game like Hitman is Splinter Cell, except that is more government ops. Also the the Hitman movie trailer looks pretty cool I will probably be checking it out.
Y'kno something funny, that's stuck with me through the years, is how brand names can leave a lasting impression on a person. Back when EA first started, they were making Genesis games, and put them in their own boxes, and used their own (differently sized) cartridges. I don't know if this was to cut down costs, or if Sega had the same rules for 3rd party developers that Nintendo did (companies were only allowed to make 5 games a year, or something like that, so that "only the best were allowed to come to market" - and reduce the competition against 1st party software... This is why Konami made "Ultra Games", and Activision put out games under "LJN".) Bottom line: They put out some shitty games. There were a few good ones, but most of the ones I played were just downright shitty. To this day, if I pick up a new game, and see that "EA" logo on it, I think back to those days. Nevermind that I love Ghost Recon (360) and Rayman (Wii) - I still look at that Ubisoft logo and furrow my eyebrows. Hell, does anyone remember when THQ first came out? Are they still around?
I think so but you know how about six different logos pop up when you first start a game these days? I usually skip those, but I think THQ shows up from time to time. Couldn't say where, though.