Shit Bong

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by pimpchichi, Jun 14, 2002.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    from The Squickety Choad

    Reaching in through the body cavity, he could feel the warmth of the entrails. As his hands seized around the large intestine, a visceral pleasure, unlike any he had experienced before shot through him and made him shudder with delight. With a large wrenching motion accompanied by a sound not unlike pulling a stuck boot out of the mud, he could feel and hear the colon separate from the anal sphincter. Snaking the large organ from the body, he paused to wipe the bile from his smock. The incision on the body had penetrated the stomach, and the last dinner of salmon, rice and salad could definitely be whiffed from behind the overpowering smell.

    "Mustn't spill it," he muttered to himself as he coiled the colon, large intestine, and then the small intestine into the Pyrex bowl sitting on the small wooden worktable next to the pallet. Indeed, as he coiled, he noticed the fluids and solids he was trying to save begin to slither out the end. Reaching for a pair of vise-grips across the cadaver, a patch of skin not covered by the gloves inadvertently brushed against the nipple of the victim. Bending down to clamp the messy tubes shut, he thought of the many times he had used these very pliers on her. A faraway smile was visible on his face for a fleeting second before replaced by the grimace that had occupied it before.

    Pulling out the last of the small intestine and filling the bowl, the kitchen scissors severed the last connection to this body this digestive track would ever have. He knotted the end, which was a very difficult thing to do at this point. Much of the intestine was covered in blood and mucous, and getting a tight knot was very difficult. After a fashion, he managed to get it sealed to his satisfaction.

    After this effort, he decided it was time for a break, and wandered over to the refrigerator for a beer. This definitely put him in a better mood, and he began to hum to himself as he thought about what he soon would be able to experience. Opening the door to the fridge, he peered in, looking for his well-deserved brew. He had to dig a bit, as the half-rack was obscured by the finely wrapped packages inside. After muscling the bulky liver and heart parcels to the side, he was able to extricate the box.

    "Hell," he thought to himself, "I might as well reward myself right now. There will be plenty left to sell to those kids. I'll get the corneas later."

    At a party thrown by friends of his who worked for medical implant corporations several weeks ago, he saw something that absolutely captivated him. It was a new party trick designed to get you slammed quickly, one he had never seen; and he had seen a few in his lifetime.

    He had seen beer bongs in the past, where large diameter flexible tubing is filled with beer, and then raised above your head to let gravity fill you up; usually with about four beer in four seconds. It always had given him a tremendous rush. But what he saw that night blew his mind.

    Most of the people there worked in body hack shops; body parts are taken out, body parts are put back in, and no one asks many questions about where the parts come from or where they go. His friends had brought with them a three-foot section of intestine, still filled with what lives and passes through the lower gut. After filling it with beer, a petite nurse held it to her lips and let the fluids flow down her throat.

    Rushing forward, he sought to become the next person to try this daring stunt. But his enthusiasm was quickly squashed when he was informed that it would cost him $200 for a fresh intestine. He did not have that type of money on him, and using one that had already been used held no mystery, as the important stuff was already washed out. Dejectedly, he was forced to watch others do 'beer-shit bonging' as they termed it. He quietly removed himself to a couch to watch the proceedings, vowing to have this experience for himself sometime soon.

    And so, this evening, his dream was to be fulfilled. He had several yards of intestine to use for himself and sell; hell, he might even make a profit out of this after hisinvestment in operating utensils.

    Pulling out the colon end of the intestine, he cut off about three feet worth, being careful to seal up the end on what was left in the bowl. Walking to the sink to fill it with beer, he felt the colon up and down. He could feel the lumps inside, and they appeared that they would not be much of an impediment going down. Cracking open the first beer and pouring it into the ragged opening some feces floated to the top and spilt out. "Shit, gotta remember to make sure there aren't any kinks." he said out loud to no one in particular.

    Finally, it was ready: his first beer-shit bong.

    Putting the closed sphincter to his mouth with trembling hands, he took one last breath. And then he let go.

    The solid/fluid mixture that surged down his throat almost made him gag at first. He could feel and taste the chunks as they went down. Mixed with the beer, it was heavenly. He actually could taste the salmon dinner over the strong taste of dung. It just seemed to keep coming and coming. When he thought he could take no more, an extra large piece slipped through his lips and lodged in the back of his

    Dropping the colon to the floor, he gagged violently; so violently in fact, that the piece of stool in his throat was forced into his Sinuses. He felt the beer-slimy shit forced into his nasal passages. His airways effectively blocked, the body reacted the only way it knew how - it vomited.

    As his world slowly faded, his last vision was of his cat, peering around the corner at him with a quizzical look on its face. It just sat there, cleaning its paws as he slowly died.
  2. kitana

    kitana New Member

    oh that was beautiful.
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I have a hard-on now...
  4. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    hey you finally managed to get it up imc,congratulations its about fucking time,whats it feel like??
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tommy710:
    hey you finally managed to get it up imc,congratulations its about fucking time,whats it feel like??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I didn't know I had a problem getting it up. You know you sure do take a lot of intrest in my erections.. amybe it is time you came out oif the closet, bunboy...
  6. nerpsen

    nerpsen New Member

    tommy you really are a gay cunt. I don't think these guys like fags so you might want to quit while you still have that excuse for a cock that you have.
  7. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY:
    You know you sure do take a lot of intrest in my erections.. amybe it is time you came out oif the closet, bunboy...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Tommy's in the closet? Odd, I thought he was openly homosexual...
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FredVegas:
    Tommy's in the closet? Odd, I thought he was openly homosexual...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you got a point there... he was quite the vocal pickle smuggler wasn't he?
  9. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bitch of the Year:
    tommy you really are a gay cunt. I don't think these guys like fags so you might want to quit while you still have that excuse for a cock that you have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    too late! its gone

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