Seriously serious about being serious.......really

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by GreenAppleSplatters, Mar 26, 2001.

  1. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    I've been doing a little thinking here lately and I've come to the conclusion that we are all at fault for the shutting down of Fugly.
    If every person that posts in the forums would have clicked on a link each time they logged in(and don't bitch about it being a pain in the ass cause it only takes a second),they damn sure would have made enough loot to keep this place up and running for at least a little longer.If not a long time. Now I'm as much to blame as the next fuglyite so don't even start saying "Well why weren't you clicking on the links!" Because I didn't. And now one of my favorite websites is gonna close down.
    There's a moral in this little anecdote somewhere but I don't feel like analyzing anymore. So bye.
  2. Skully

    Skully New Member


    The only question now, is, where do we reconvene? Or shall we stay on the MSN alone? I feel like invading a new site, if this one isn't gonna make it...
  3. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Somebody was talking about another forum we could raid. Whoever it was didn't want to post the adddy for fear of the wraith of fugly.
  4. Skully

    Skully New Member

    You gotta be shitting Martin even cares at this point. He's gone AWOL, probably drunk in a dumpster somewhere, so I think it's safe to post an URL...
  5. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

  6. Skully

    Skully New Member

    Yeah!! Let's move into the third one! I know they'll love us!
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skully:
    Yeah!! Let's move into the third one! I know they'll love us! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hey skully... i see there's just the woman there for you.....

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    it was this post where topper said he knew where another forum was we could invade en masse....

    and he voiced fears about posting the link because he thought it wouldn't look good...
    not good net etiquette.. which is true.. and i guess it was demonstrated over the weekend when some dink registered and his first post was... come to my new forum... which i visited incidentally... and it was shit...
    needless to say it got deleted...
    but topper is a regular poster ... and like the rest of us... is wondering where to go after fugly goes... which, without any feedback from the owners... we gotta be ready for.. *shrug*..
    we've had our shows of hands and all that... and as yet there ain't been any firm news...
    so i'll post the link so's you lot can check it out... this is the link topper gave me in a private message....
    let's hope we don't have to use it (not meant as a criticism topper....just in case you were thinkin)

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