Is there a console version of Sega Hot Rod out there? I used to love this game, if I could find one and had somewhere in the house to put it, I would get a tabletop version. Anyone seen it out there????? Dont ask me why, probably just cause I am lame, but I have always liked the overhead car games, like Spy Hunter. Any out there for the 360, other than on a coleco vision 'flash back' disc......
You think someone makes an emulator for it? I know Atari had one with Grand Prix type cars, where when you wrecked and your car exploded a helicopter would fly over and drop your new car off. Then there was Ivan Stewarts off-road. I kicked that games ass for hours.
This it? If so you can get it on Mame32. Then I would torrent the roms. I did order the disks because i lost all mine it's like 14 DVDs and everything something like 6000 plus I only have 3200 now. But I love Mame.