ATTENTION MEN!!!! WOMEN CHOPS OFF SLEEPING HUSBAND'S PENIS, DROPS IT FROM MOVING CAR!" DON'T LAUGH, ITS TRUE! IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!! Right now, thousands of agitated, irate women have read this headline and are contemplating similar action against you the next time you make an unwanted sexual advance, look at them the wrong way, or just generally piss them off! MEN, PROTECT YOURSELF NOW! If you found yourself a victim of CDS (Chop and Drop Syndrome), could you be sure the appropriate authorities would find your chopped member in time, and intact! Could you be sure the penis part they found was even yours? INQUIRE NOW ABOUT OUR LOW COST PENIS PROTECTION PLAN! Plan A - The "Basic Package" We will register your penis and scrotum and tattoo them with their own unique registration numbers, insuring that in case of separation, you will get a perfect match EVERY TIME! Plan B - The "Jurassic Prick" program. We will take a cell sample from your penis and clone replacement parts for you in the event a tractor-trailer rig runs over your penis, or some wild animal mistakes your detached member for a chew toy! Plan C - "Balls of Steel" For those of you who believe in prevention, we offer a one-size-fits-all battery operated stainless steel jock strap that can be worn when necessary. When you are asleep, an alarm will be activated when metal or other hazardous objects come within one foot of the jock strap. This will guarantee you a full night's sleep, free of worry! DON'T GET CAUGHT SHORT...... ORDER TODAY! CALL 1-800-SAV-A-DIK
ok, i can take and sometimes dish out sick jokes...... although there is nothing funny at all about loosing your penis!! unless it was filmed on jerry springer, then it would be mildly funny.
Wow that really cool how you get the little final fantasy wizard to do the "throw the bitches off my nuts" dance!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Honkey Kong: Klitana looooooooves the cock.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Speaking of Springer and loss of penis, did anyone see an epiode that aired a couple of years ago entitled "I did my own sex change"? The main guest was a guy in his 50s, with a wife and kids, who decided he MUST have a sex change. Doctors would not approve it because he was too old and diabetic, so he took matters into his own hands. He snapped a tight rubber band around the base of his weenie, took a shitload of painkillers, and waited 24 hours. He then went to the shower and sawed it off. He said something like, "You ladies thinking of cutting off your man's prick, it's not as easy as it seems. It's not just one swift flick of a knife, it's a tough piece of grisle. I had to saw through it 8 or 9 times before it came off." The cameras panned to the audience, where every single man was rolling aroung, grabbing their crotches, and moaning in disgust. Even as a female, I couldn't help but feel a sympathetic stab of pain to the groin. Yikes. Crude penis removal. Just... yikes.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Keltika_hates_you: ... he took matters into his own hands. He snapped a tight rubber band around the base of his weenie, took a shitload of painkillers, and waited 24 hours. He then went to the shower and sawed it off. He said something like, "You ladies thinking of cutting off your man's prick, it's not as easy as it seems. It's not just one swift flick of a knife, it's a tough piece of grisle. I had to saw through it 8 or 9 times before it came off." The cameras panned to the audience, where every single man was rolling aroung, grabbing their crotches, and moaning in disgust. Even as a female, I couldn't help but feel a sympathetic stab of pain to the groin. Yikes. Crude penis removal. Just... yikes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i want to see that. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew: I know while reading that i squirmed and grabbed my guy. <whispers its ok boy><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> watch who you sleep next to