Rush Limbaugh should he be silenced by the government?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Oct 8, 2007.


Should Rush be silenced by the government?

  1. Yes freedom of speech is one thing but he crossed the line.

  2. No and the government workers trying to should be sued for slander.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Mr. Limbaugh described Iraq war veterans who oppose the war as "phony soldiers."

    Remember Harry "illegal land deal" Reid the one that is immune from attracting attention from the vigiliant and ever so suspicious eye of the federal protector.

    So what is it?
  2. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I'd like to see Rush Limbaugh skinned and eaten alive by marauding carniverous moles, but I don't think the government should have any part in violating 1st amendment rights. Obviously. Not that the government has any interest in abiding by the Constitution.
  3. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I'm not going to vote in your stupid poll though, because WTF is up with the "and the government workers trying to should be sued for slander" part? That's retarded.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah admittedly designed that way.

    Honestly what the Democrats did was a gross abuse of power and an obvious misuse of government property. Honestly I see no reason why the justice department does not actually prosecute them to the fullest extent.

    The media knew well and good that Rush was being misquoted and pushed the story anyway. The Democrats wasted air and floor space pushing a political campaign power play to lie to the American people

    They are government employees they work for us.
    They are trying to overstep their jurisdiction and abuse their power to silence a radio talk host.
    They are doing so knowing making false statements and taking Rush way out of context as they were provided the shows manuscripts.

    They each should be removed from office.

    The real story and it is interesting to note that the media will not call the dems out on it nor try to correct the misrepresentation of the facts. You are likely to hear from someone in the future firmly believing that Rush Limbaugh called the troops against the war fake troops.

    But then again the media is owned by the Elites. As well as the Democratic House and Senate. Truth was never a part of the objective.
  5. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Oh god, it's like someone pushed "play".
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    No one should be silenced by the government unless that person is divulging classified info. If Limbaugh said these things, only his employer should have the power to silence him (see: Don Imus) if he feels he needs to. Such is for the Senators and whatever they say publically. But who exactly is the employer of the Senate? The governent or the constituents?
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I say the constituents. Although it does pose an interesting question.

    The point is he did not say it.

    His exact words were what I quoted but he was specifically referring to "Fake Soldiers" in reference to a specific person who made stories about being in special ops and seeing attrocities in Iraq that he never saw cause he was not in Special ops, the military, or Iraq for that matter.

    The bigger point is that the media as well as the senators knew this. They knew the real story and perpetuated the false story to validate taking an action that is illegal.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    RUSH: From the American Spectator today, their column is entitled The Prowler. "The Democrat Party senior leadership is feeling a Rush. Rush Limbaugh, that is. Late last week, DNC Chair Howard Dean, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, his deputy, Sen. Dick Durbin and Senatorial Committee chair, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi all signed off in some form or another direct mail fundraising plans that will feature Limbaugh for their national party. '"Don't let Limbaugh smear true patriotism," that's the theme,' says a DNC staffer. 'We're not going to let Limbaugh determine what soldiers can talk and what soldiers can not.'" So, this is my point. To their base, whatever they say about what I said, the smear is accepted. There is no thinking. There is no examination. They don't want to hear anything other than what they think is the truth. There are mind-numbed robots, and they exist on the left, and so the Democrats think... What this does, what this says is this whole thing that went on for nine days last week and the week before was a farce from beginning to end. It had two specific objectives. One was, of course, to dent me as much as they could, but also to create a fundraising exercise for all of these different groups:,, and the Democrat Party.

    It's like I said last week. They are running against me. Their fundraising letters are going out about me -- not Rudy Giuliani, not Fred Thompson, not Mitt Romney. You know, if this keeps up, the Republican candidates are going to get as mad at me as the Democrats are for hogging the spotlight. Now, I must admit, folks, I'm not all that excited about raising money for them, but it is what it is. Here is the real meat of the story, though: "Others on the Democrat side are pushing ahead with other plans. Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine.' 'Limbaugh isn't the only one who needs to be made uncomfortable about what he says on the radio,' says a House leadership source. 'We don't have as big a megaphone as these guys, but this [is] all political, and we'll do what we can to gain the advantage. If we can take them off their game for a while, it will help our folks out there on the campaign trail.'" So what does this mean? It means that Henry Waxman, who runs the government oversight committee, has officially, or is going to, begin investigations of me and Hannity and Levin.

    He is going to have his staff, paid for with your tax dollars, listen to these programs and review transcripts and report back to him. For what? Irregularities that they might hear on this program? What do we have here, folks? Henry Waxman believes that Congress, and his committee in particular, has, as its jurisdiction, the control of content of the airwaves in this country? He wants to use his position -- he wants to use the Democrat Party and the power of government -- to control speech content. Now, we've had people throwing the word "patriotism" around here. Forget the word "patriotism." Have you ever heard of anything as un-American as this? These are the same people who are trying to destroy Bush's spy program to catch terrorists in the act before they commit the act, as "spying on innocent Americans." It's unfair; it's violating civil rights. They want all these ex-White House officials to come up and talk about this. Yet the very same people, Waxman and his bunch, have instructed the "investigators on his staff" to monitor this program. The Constitution prohibits this. It specifically prohibits this. You know, I honestly believe Henry Waxman would be just as comfortable as a hack member of the Venezuelan parliament working side by side with Hugo Chavez. It's a puppet operation down there, the parliament is.

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