How sad :frown: But what are the odds I mean how many people with mental issues have auditioned for that show since its inception?
I really hate these so called "reality" stars. There is nothing REAL about any of the programming. While American Idol isn't exactly "reality" TV.... they do turn people into stars overnight and then curse us with their shitty music. It seems even the losers on that show get contracts so whats the fucking point of having a contest? Have you ever noticed that when a "reality star" becomes famous... they immediately turn into another hollywood zombie? They get a little fame, a little money, and then use it to get plastic surgery and find another show to do. Then they turn on fake tears, smiles, laughter, growls.... just another annoying scripted preformance. They all suck.
I like when you say that she sucks and people get all offended and act like you have no taste in music or that you just shit on a 'rock god's' shoes. Soulful and bluesy... shit. It's whining and screeching.
I think the ones that lose those shows are better of than the ones that win. Carrey Underwood is a prime example, and dont mention Kelly Pickler (she got that boom boom pow). Maybe it's Carrie Underwood. I dunno but Pickler got junk in her trunk which makes her A-OK in my book.