Your encyclopeadiac (sp) brain will be sadly missed. Your bon-mots and ready quips with Roy Castle will be with me forever. *cracks open a Guinness* (but doesn't waste it like Fred)
Yes, Ross. You put the 'supreme' into 'white supremacist', Your rigid, jackbooting demeanor and condescending sneer is etched into our hearts forever. Rest in piss, Ross. Amen.
*throws a grenade into a crowded pub fo all da record takin crackas dat ain't wid us no mo* *blows smoke in everyones faces fo all da trumpetin an record breakin tap-dancers dat ain't wid us no mo*
For the peeps that be scratchin da heads goin who is da bad mofo? Ross McWhirter Born: 12-Aug-1925 Birthplace: London, England Died: 27-Nov-1975 Location of death: Enfield, Middlesex, England Cause of death: Murder Gender: Male Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Author Level of fame: Famous Executive summary: Co-founder, Guinness Book of World Records Co-author, with this brother Norris McWhirter, of The Guinness Book of World Records. The book was published by the legendary beer company as a "way of settling bar bets", but it quickly became an institution of authority that nobody could have anticipated. Ross was shot and killed outside his home after he offered a reward of UKP 50,000 for information leading to the arrest of IRA bombers. The men responsible, Martin O'Connell, Edward Butler, Harry Duggan, and Hugh Doherty were arrested a fortnight later, and sentenced to life imprisonment. They were freed under the amnesty specified in the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. After Ross's death, Norris continued to edit the book into the 1980's.
Just another dead drunken idiot, if only he had died earlier before he started that stupid book, we wouldn't have to deal with thousands of idiots trying to get into the records every year, having tv shows spawned because of it and having thousands upon thousands of trees, workers and shelf space (only to be tossed away for the next years) wasted. Fuck that drunken moron who contributed less than nothing other than some empty beer cans and a worthless book. If only he had died or had been murdered much much sooner we could have avoided threads such as these. What a waste of a life.
*Applauds loudly* That was very mature of you Schmed. Now let's see you going and sorting out any racism, sexism or Shamism that might be spoiling the average fugly forum poster's viewing pleasure. In fact, at this rate, fugly will soon be safe for any middle-American, right-wing, christian, stunted amorphous blobs that happen to join us for good, clean fun and games! I can't wait!
Sorry Nursey, this thread expired a few days ago. And it had more to do with defending a certain rockstar mentioned in his initial post than sticking up for anyone else, so put the claws away. DOWN NURSEY DOWN!!!! Now back to opening the average fugly posters eyes to the evils and injustices of the world with you, at this rate fugly willl soon be ready to go up in arms against the evil empire (America presumably) and take the power back!!! I can't wait!
Expired!?! I think you'll find that Dubya's threads have been flash pasteurized to meet with the latest FDA ( Fugly Duration Administration ) guidelines, and should be good for another few days. But it's good to know that i won't have to put up with comments like "I'm sick of you two fighting, knock it off!!!"...or other attempts to artificially create a climate of acceptance for any conniving, dim bitches who might take your fancy.... No thanks. I don't have any desire to join you down there at those white stillettoed orange feet where you seem to eagerly enjoy rolling over for tummy rubs or doe-eyedly begging for little treats. Well i think that i've done a reeeasonabley good enough job of passing on the fruits of my knowledge so far, that is, if the remarks people such as, ahem, yourself have made, in the recent past are to go by anyway. But perhaps you've changed those views now in order to dovetail with whatever has become 'flavour of the day'... *Holds little torch up next to head and shines in Schmed's face* .'foight waws not waw! foight waws not waw!'...oh've got me there! Last time i told you that you stormed off for a year long sulk, leaving me with only this pic as a reminder of your feisty, tempestuous ways.
Oh hush now, we agree about a good many things... and me not wanting to see Kurt Cobain trashed by Checkmate(yes that is the part of his post that really got my goat..jeez do I even have a goat?). And you know me better than that to accuse me of flavor of the day. I was just trying to rib you back, which is pointless ,as you know many larger words than me. Besides that we never had reason to bicker, so lets not start now. And I apoligize for being hasty this morning when I typed that response, it was a little more salty than it needed to be, it was early for me and I was crabby. *holds out hand to shake and hopes it dosnt get bitten off*
And here is one last attempt at kissing your lovely buttocks in an effort to regain our wonderful *rub* and *vomits into own hands* friendship. Yes you have shared a great deal of info that otherwise would not of been brought to my attention, while I didn't agree with all of it, I was glad of you to talk about it so I could wrap my head around many different perspectives of certain issues, and I hope you continue to do so in the future. And once again you know me far to well to accuse me of the flavor of the day crap. Sorry if I tried to get you to reconsider your stand on Sam, thats what a person does when two people he likes don't get along. I will not step in again, have at it!!!
Oh okay. :| *holds hand out to shake in hope it doesn't come back coated in the cloying, perfumey orange grease from you-know-who's feet.*