Republican ass

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by XerxesX, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    And then he mails sleeze to teens !

    REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN Mark Foley of Florida thinks it’s "revolting and unforgivable" that people are openly speculating that he is gay. Revolting? Unforgivable? Is Foley serious? What’s revolting about being thought gay? What’s unforgivable about asking the question?

    The five-term congressman should familiarize himself with the cool-straight-guy response to such speculation: thank the questioner for the flattery but then own up to heterosexual misdeeds like bad haircuts and mismatched clothing. Did Foley miss Ben Affleck’s elegant handling of persistent gay rumors? "I’m not stylish enough to be gay," Affleck said. "I have trouble trying to pick out which shoes go with which pants."

    But then, that would only work if the 48-year-old congressman were heterosexual. Which he is not. Foley is gay. It’s one of those open secrets that’s more open than secret. It first came up during his initial run for Congress in 1994. A right-wing opponent in the GOP primary sent out a mailing saying that Foley was gay. Foley answered the accusation — and in this context, it was an accusation — by telling the media: "I like women."

    Two years later, after Foley voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the Advocate outed him along with another closeted lawmaker, Congressman Jim Kolbe, who’d voted in favor of the anti-gay measure. Of Foley, Advocate reporter J. Jennings Moss wrote: "In interviews for this story, several people close to the 41-year-old from West Palm Beach described him as a gay man, although one also said he dated women." The magazine also spoke with former Navy lieutenant Tracy Thorne, who came out on national television during the gays-in-the-military debate. Thorne knew Foley because Thorne’s father was one of Foley’s staunchest supporters, dating back to Foley’s time in the Florida state legislature. Thorne matter-of-factly told the Advocate: "Mark Foley has spent his entire life in the closet."

    Kolbe came out after being interviewed by the Advocate. But Foley declared the topic of his sexuality off-limits to the magazine and the public: "Frankly, I don’t think what kind of personal relationships I have in my private life is of any relevance to anyone else."

    More recently, the question of Foley’s sexuality has been raised in his campaign for the Senate seat currently held by Democrat Bob Graham. Many political observers think Foley, who is popular with voters and campaign contributors alike, has an excellent chance to win the Democratic seat. His only weakness? Notwithstanding his vote in favor of DOMA, Foley is one of the most pro-gay Republicans in Congress. He has a long, consistent record of supporting gay issues like domestic-partnership benefits, anti-discrimination legislation, and AIDS funding. His office maintains a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. GOP strategists worry that this will make Foley vulnerable in the primary — so much so, in fact, that White House strategist Karl Rove tried to convince US housing secretary Mel Martinez to run for the seat.

    Three weeks ago, New Times columnist Bob Norman described all the talk about Foley’s pro-gay voting record without mention of Foley’s homosexuality as the "giant, pink elephant in the room." He wrote: "Foley, the nine-year conservative Republican U.S. representative out of Lake Worth, is gay. That is no revelation to political and media types. Everyone knows it, though no newspaper outside the gay press has ever really touched the issue."

    Shortly after Norman’s column appeared, the Washington Blade, a Washington, DC–based paper that covers gay issues, followed up the story. Sensing the beginnings of a media frenzy, Foley called a press conference last week to address the rumors. "I believe everyone’s talking about it," Foley said, according to the Miami Herald. "This is a proactive attempt to talk with you all relative to the chatter that’s going on behind the scenes."

    That’s when Foley said the speculation about his sexuality was "revolting and unforgivable." Here’s what’s revolting and unforgivable: Mark Foley’s calculated political decision to refuse to discuss his homosexuality in order to better present himself to the hateful right-wingers who dominate GOP politics. Here’s what’s revolting and unforgivable: Mark Foley’s silence about his homosexuality even as US Senator Rick Santorum, the third-ranking senator in the GOP, has compared homosexuality to incest and bestiality. Here’s what’s revolting and unforgivable: Mark Foley’s description of speculation about his sexuality as "revolting and unforgivable" in order to make himself palatable to voters from the only state in the nation that bans gay and lesbian people like Mark Foley from adopting children.

    Throughout his career, Foley has straddled the public-figure/private-life line. When the Advocate came calling in 1996, Foley said, "I know one thing for certain: when I travel around the district every weekend, the people who attend my town meetings and stop me on the street corner certainly are a lot more concerned with issues like how I voted on welfare reform or whether or not Medicare is going to be there when they need it — not the details of whom I choose to have a relationship with."

    He took a similar line with reporters during his bizarre press conference last week: "Zero in on my track record and my ability to do the job I am seeking to do."

    Foley’s desire to see politicians judged by their job performance was noticeably absent in 1998, though, when he voted in favor of two of the four articles of impeachment brought against then-president Bill Clinton. Foley’s desire to see private lives kept private is noticeably absent today as he strongly backs Attorney General John Ashcroft’s assault on civil liberties and freedoms under the guise of fighting terrorism.

    Foley told reporters last week, "My mother and father raised me and the rest of my family to believe that there are certain things we shouldn’t discuss in public. Some of you may believe that it’s old-fashioned, but I believe those are good ideals to live by." So it’s "good ideals" to deny the basic dignity of your life by refusing to talk about your family? It’s "good ideals" to encourage people to think you are something that you are not?

    If the Foley flap continues, some will say that he should come out in order to be a role model to younger gay men and lesbians. Please. Foley is no role model, unless he’s modeling political hypocrisy and personal cowardice. Others will say that the decision to come out is a personal one and Foley shouldn’t be forced into doing something he’s clearly not ready to do. Right. Foley is comfortable enough with his homosexuality to be out to every political insider in Florida even as he remains "closeted" with the public. Why he thinks he can still play this game with the public and get away with it is a mystery.

    There is nothing shameful in being gay or lesbian. That Mark Foley thinks there is, and that he can exploit this by bullying reporters who ask him legitimate questions about his sexuality, is revolting. And unforgivable.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Revolting and unforgivable is the fact that the left thinks any and all special interest groups are beholden to their party. Fact is a lot of homosexuals agree with the conservative position.

    Sickening and revolting is that the left wouls see this guy "a danger to children" but rather then take action decide to sit on it until a few weeks before the 2006 election then come out with it publicly. The district is a conservative district and generally simply running a conservative in the district would win however they waited until Foley was on the ballot.

    Those lefties are some sick child endangering fucks.
  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Here you see three incidents all of them bigger than the Foley incident. Ask you average Joe on the corner if they remember this happening and they will not. But go ahead and challenge me as to weather these are valid or not I dare you to.

    This makes my point the mainstream media's primary objective before their ratings and before their own integrity is to constantly spin to make the Republican party look bad.

    You say its not so? Then please be so kind as to show me the headlines when Clinton got a rapist out of fulfilling his punishment. BTW that scumbag now works for a major Democratic support group.

    Say it is not so? Then please show me the headlines requesting the resignation of Gerry Studds or Frank Barney much less Tip O'Neal or who ever the fuck was in charge of the Democrats at the time.

  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Click to enlarge:

    Rabbit Hole Of Elitist Perversion Far Deeper Than Foley

    I think the operative word here is 'elitist'. It's pathetic (in fact, make that sick) of Joe to turn this into a 'republican versus democratic' contest by pointing out that perverted scumbags also exist in other political parties to deflect negativity from this story and the republicans (who it seems, can do no wrong!).
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    We should have all that elitist perversion out in the open. ( Private ). If achieving men and women could be proud of their elitist ways all the way, and not try hiding their ( presumably , consenting, adult ) love-toys away, that would solve a lot.

    Besides that republican probably felt that the pervos were those that made children appear on milk-cartons, and not him, oogeling adolecent buttock. And I have to agree there.

    There are more serious issues nowadays.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Thanks Xerx for putting it into perspective Nursey would do good to listen.

    And Nursey please tell me do you have a problem with homosexuality?
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Not at all. In fact, i'm delighted this has helped any republicans who previously felt their homosexuality had no place in the party to now come crawling out of the closet. Let me congratulate you Joe. This muct be a very empowering moment.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So you prove my point. Your issue is not with the so called scandal you could care less instead you selectively decide to be appalled that a republican was caught in it. And let me ask you what specifically did Tom Foley do that was illegal?
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Christ...can't we have a bit of amusement here from time to time? Sorry if i touched a nerve.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No nerve touched just saying.

    The Economy is tops, jobs are awsome, inflation is down, interest rates are dropping once again, deficit reduction projections are ahead of schedule.

    But of course there is a non-news issue to trumpet for the next four weeks so there we have it.

    I suppose all in the name of fun right. :roll:
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So, you might say things are looking gloryholious just now?
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well i think there's a lot wrong with adults grooming underage kids with sexually suggestive emails... i can't wait to see the datelineNBC episode
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    There was an under age kid recieving sexually suggestive e-mails?


    I did not know that.

    So I gues we have a headline to streatch out for the next four weeks and milk for what its worth then don't we?

    So this is an atrocity what should we do to rectify this delima?
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i do not want to rectal anything with you joe :?
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Personally, I couldn't give two shits about my politicians and their sexual leanings. The main question on my mind is, "are they going to mis-manage my tax dollars as well as, or better than, their predecessor?"
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Then the answer is fairly easy. Ay least you can mark one party clean off the slate it's down to independent or conservative.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    When then you should fly a plane to the states and go door to door knocking and begging people not to vote in a democrat. It just so happens they not only allow pedophilia they re-elected into office several times a child rapist.

    And have you ever herd of Barney Frank?

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