Reparations are a GOOD idea

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by mudslinger, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. mudslinger

    mudslinger Member

  2. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Awesome busted link!!

    And reparations would set race relations back 30 years.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You speak those words with such authority...

    "Ignored and banned?" From where? The racist site you linked to?

    Don't worry, I'm not even going to click that racist fucking link.

    Let me ask you, honestly, is every White American considered to be 'Racist' when they were born into a society that grants the same freedoms and privileges that are available to anyone of any other race/religion/creed/etc.?

    A few kind words of advice, you fucking dipshit moron: Quit playing the race card.

    It's a well-known fact that these bullshit 'affirmative action' stipulations are RACIST by their very nature.

    Why on Earth would you want to promote the very evil you're purporting to end?

    Get a fucking clue, and get off the only bandwagon that still fuels racism in this day and age. :rolleyes:
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I dont understand why they call it 'reverse racism' or 'reverse discrimination' its like the default is apparently whitey being racist.

    I, nor anyone in my family, has ever owned slaves. Yet, I still pay taxes so a single mother with 9 kids from 10 different dads can drive a lexus and live in free government housing. Get her food with a cute little debit card because apparently the 'WIC' vouchers were to demeaning. No child left behind has screwed the school system royally. So a school that is on the 'good' list has kids bussed in from schools on the 'needs improvement list', they arent sending the good kids from those schools. So they are bussing their headaches to traditionally good schools. So you put the riff-raff that doesnt care about school into a school that has students that want to learn and better themselves.
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I am all for reparations, I want my casino, mention fugly forums, get a free 1000 dollar gaming voucher!
  6. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    I agree, reparations are in order and we should start with the English, paying them for all losses caused by the revolutionary war. Next the English and the U.S.A. should pay for our sins against the Native Americans we plundered this great land from and slaughtered whole tribes at a whack. The next step would be for The U.S.A. and Africa to pay for slavery times. We should, however, put it in perspective as to who owes what. I think that the Africans should pay the lion’s share, as they are the ones that sold their brothers and sisters to the white dogs. Don’t blame the white folk for sins committed by your ancestors, although our ancestors do have to take responsibility for slavery.

    I also think that any families that accepted the government surplus cheese handouts should be stamped “PAID IN FULL”.

    While we are addressing this, why are blacks “African Americans”? Why aren’t they just Americans?

    Thank you for furthering the cause of racism, Mud-darts errrrrrrr Mudslinger
  7. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Hey yeah! this is a good idea, let's make them have the easy road by giving them money so we can continually treat them like the childish race that needs a step ladder! Whoa, excellent plan man, EXCELLENT PLAN!!! Let's just beside the point that there were more white slaves than black, since we already know we have it good!

    Whoa, your so smart.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    This might sound completely bad, but in all honesty, poor white sharecroppers had it 10 times worse than slaves.

    1) they had less 'value' than slaves

    2) the land owners of the land they 'tended' had their way with the sharecroppers women

    3) sharecroppers had to 'pay' for their meals, adding to their servitude

    4) slavery ended in the 1870s, yeah dont think slavery in America ended with the Civil War, it just ended 'officially' in the south

    5) share cropping continued into the 1940s, and in some areas into the 1960s

    I think the English should be held responsible for all reperations paid to African-Americans wanting reperations. There was no 'America' when the slaves were brought to the US, there were no American ships loading up Africans, no American Captains, no American docks that they were unloaded on.

    Simple fact, the majority of slave owners were rich plantation owners. Those plantation owners got their land grants from.....ding ding ding, the English. The poor family farmer who could muster the money to own a slave, treated the slave like family, including working the fields along side of the slave. Many were taught to read, ate at the table with the family, and were given the ability to come and go as they pleased. The reason a lot of them didnt just run was 1) where you going to run to? 2) if you were taken by someone else it might be a lot worse than you got it now.

    Now Im not saying that it was a good thing, far from it.

    Wheres my reperations from the english? Im Irish, and the Irish have been persecuted by the English a lot longer than any african has been persecuted by an 'American'. Then on the flip side I am part German too, so I probably owe the jews a couple of bucks. The amount of Pee Dee indian in me isnt enough to get me a 'Native' card, but my wife has hers, so when we open our casino next to Senor Scum, we will have one hell of a party.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Mudslinger is really living up to his name.

    I can't wait until election time is over and salespeople will quit trying to make me feel guilty for buying a set of white sheets.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    If you quit asking them for the ones with the eyeholes you will quit getting those looks...

  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I just ask for flame retardant and they get all bent out of shape. :confused:
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Who wants to wake up with their bed on fire?

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