Vioxx was taken off the market due to heart attacks and stroke. This is lovely news as I took 2 Vioxx last night before bed. Trail Mix Fruit & Nut Granola Bars and Muesli Cereal Brands recalled for salmonella. This shouldnt be a concern unless you are still listening to Grateful Dead and wearing Birkenstocks and patchouli. Frito-Lay Recalls Tostitos Monterey Jack Queso Dip due to the potential for the product to be underprocessed. Hammy, you can still use this for your thrush problem. Brooklyn Imports, Inc. Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Sulfites in "BELWEDER PICKLED MUSHROOMS". Are you paying attention Shitzo? On a good note, Palladone extended release tablets have been approved. The ingredient is hydromorphone which is also in Dilaudid. Dilaudid is basically legal heroin. My favorite stuff and it makes me hallucinate too.
I need something for my knee. Sometimes it just hurts. Anyone know if doctors still want money for helping people?
Me too, my dislocated shoulder from 3 years ago still hurts like a feckin' ninja strile to the temple at times...
I don't care for morphine... makes my chest feel tight. At least having it shot it my IV at the hospital did. I don't care for pain pills, but I do like Percoet. Most pain pills hurt my stomach. Give me something a sedative-hypnotic instead. But not that Seroquel shit, knocks my fucking ass off. I was offered Dilaudid a while back and turned it down... Same people who gave me the 300 mg of Seroquel. Was a little sketchy about it. Ambien makes me hallucinate. For real. And it's fairly easy to get. I'm going to the DR soon.
i was trying to steal drugs out of the OR today but the anesthesiologist was wise to it so i got nothing! well i did score some .25mg Xanax pills. and some Norco 10's. Dilaudid is stronger than morphine. If it makes you pukey, Pukey, they can give you some phenergan or compazine but that will knock you out so whats the point? I've found that the more that I take nacotics the less sick I feel. go figure.