It's that damn bat light again. Robin that little fag outsourced the bat supplies and those fuckin Indians sent 60 W bulbs.
Fuck me, I posted a new topic instead of reply. as an act of contrition I'll go read 3 MEDVET posts. :shock:
Like everything else in the forum, it was abused. Fugly had little choice but to disable it. We understand and ignore petty spelling errors, double posts, and typos. Don't sweat it. Barry
Right...we get chastised for too many smilies :roll: but spelling errors you will let slide....Some of us suffer from OCD...these errors will erode away at our little psyches driving us mad I tell you... simply mad! :twisted: 8)
I think our newset buddy "amvet6969duder" referred to it as piano fingers" (very old typing reference) :roll: Ugh!