Rant Session

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Jul 6, 2001.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    This being my first rant to grace the pages of the mighty Fug, a little background story: From time to time, when things piss me off, I usually either sit down and type, or practice aim with a 12-ga. Usually the latter. When the former takes place, I send my 'rant' out to all the people on my email list, and we have a nice discussion and I end up pissing off a few of 'em in the process. I wrote the majority of this 'rant' when my good computer was shot, and I recently dug it up, blew the dust off it, and made a few revisions. The result of which is to follow in the forthcoming paragraphs:


    Greetings, all... it's been a loooong time since I've ranted about anything (well, at least sat down with the express purpose of venting and typing out something), and I'll be quite honest, this has the potential to be the one of the longer rants I've written. So many things are pissing me off right now it's not even funny. Couple that with a broken computer that only needs a 46 cent part to run, yet takes over two weeks to order, and you've got the equivalent of a volatile chemical reaction. While deserving it's own rant in itself, I would rather take the rants back to their roots and get back into a 'seldom-discussed at the dinner table topic.'

    As I sit down here writing this, I know that I won't have a chance to send it off to everyone until I get my computer working again, but I need to type this. A container will only hold enough gasoline until it spills over and starts a fire.

    The government is a self-replicating virus.

    The thought that your life's path is to be decided by a group of individuals representing a population billions of times it's size through restrictive laws and procedures is sickening. The reality that you will never entirely own anything for as long as you live is repulsive. And the idea that nothing ever really changes in our society is becoming more or less the truth. From the day that you are born in the United States, you have a serial number. You are not a person. You are a tiny gear in a clock that is quickly running out of time. Or is it?

    These are all very vague topics, but I would like to single a few of them out, nail them to a tree, and take a shotgun to.

    First on my list are taxes. Again, broad, but let's look at this wonderful example of politics in action known as the 'inheritance tax.' You work your entire life and pay taxes on what you earn, what you buy, and what you do. Then you die. Now, government wants to stick their grubby hands into the pockets of your funeral suit, too. I have heard so many stories about a family that has inherited some sort of capital, most notably property such as a house, ranch, farm, etc... and they end up being forced to sell it just to pay the taxes on it. Isn't that nice? Let's just get rid of the house grandpa built on the farm so we can afford to have the government rape us some more. When you talk to people about this, I would say that most people can see that this is flat out wrong! Yet, half of the voters seem to have cast their ballots for the party that symbolizes this the most! I've encountered people with the attitude of, "Well, I had to pay inheritance taxes when my dad died, so everyone else should, too." What the fuck kind of attitude is that? If you fall out on the sidewalk and skin your knee do you expect everyone else should have to endure the same thing? If you're constipated tonight and sitting on the john for an hour, do you wish the same discomfort on everyone else? If the entire world thought along those lines, there wouldn't be an entire world.

    Capital gains, anyone? Who wants to take a shot at that? Well, since I'm the only one here right now, I'll help myself to the floor. (That didn't sound right, but oh well...) The government is the perfect example of one of mankind's greater evils, and that is greed. It's not enough that they get to take 40% of your income throughout your lifetime in the form of taxes (this is a conservative estimate, mind you). That's not enough for them. They spend money faster than they accumulate it, and one result is that they need to take an extra large chunk when someone made out better in their fiscal year than Uncle Sam did. "Now, if you make over X amount of money a year, we're going to punish you this much, and if you make over Y amount, we'll help ourselves to this much, and if you’re in the Z category, we're just going to hold you down and beat you to a bloody pulp. Oh yeah, and you people under the Q bracket, since you make the least and are the most numerous, we're gonna cut you a special deal and let you by without getting raped, just because we need your support to keep us in office and force more people into your bracket." You see, that's the entire Liberal mindset in a nutshell. Create dependence through deceit. Quite similar to a drug dealer. But as most drug dealers operate, "Only the first time is free." (Not that I have anything against drug dealers, mind you… but if the government is going to operate like they do, they might as well make drugs legal, too.) Liberals, if allowed to run the country, would turn us into a nation of dependent slobs, unable to even think for ourselves. Quite frankly, it's amazing how close Liberal theory is to Communism. Setting up a system wherein the wealthy carry the highest tax burden is not a good system. If you get a raise and end up being over the line for the next tax bracket, that amount of income will be taxed at a higher rate, so in essence, you aren’t getting your full raise. You’re being punished for earning more money than the average schmoe. Try and tell me that this is fair. Encouraging underachievement through incentives is equally bad. Knowing that you can be without a job and still get 'free' government handouts does not better society. I believe Karl Marx said it best with "From each, according to his ability. To each, according to his need."

    "Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Sam, and I am the government. I want you to do well in your life, but if you do too well, I'm going to punish you for it." (This reminds me of a certain story, perhaps you've read about it, "What? How darest thou try and climb thy Tower of Babel...") Government sees itself as a god. It strives for absolute power and respect. Sadly, it seems that as time goes on, it's getting it’s wish. We're brainwashed in schools and through media to think of Big Brother as our beacon of hope, truth, and perfection. Freedom of the press? Please... About the only information we receive through the media is what the government wants us to read. C'mon, America... rub your eyes and see through the smoke cloud... What we need in this country is more individuals that can grow the balls to stand up to what's going on. More people that would fence off an acre of land he or she inherited and stand guard with a shotgun to any politician trying to take it from him. Of course, if you think that way, you're likely to be arrested, labeled insane, or just plain shot... just because you don't agree with how the all-powerful government has decided to divide up your wealth. Can you say "Branch Davidian?"

    Perhaps there is no simple solution. Leave it to government to assassinate anyone that figures one out.

    Yours etcetera,
    The Hirsute Harbinger.

    PS: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful Echelon project and it's operators. I'm sure my rant threw up a number of red flags, and I hope they enjoyed it.
  2. Celexa

    Celexa New Member

    that was long....
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Celexa:
    that was long....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Why, thank you! That's what they all say...
  4. kitana

    kitana New Member

    actually it's really very short and small
  5. Celexa

    Celexa New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 666kitana999:
    actually it's really very short and small <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    its all in your perspective.. wanna send me i pic so i can judge?
  6. kitana

    kitana New Member


    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    plagerism lives. Congrats on a wonderful COPY/PASTE job...asshole.
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS:
    plagerism lives. Congrats on a wonderful COPY/PASTE job...asshole.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Kiss my ass, I wrote that on March 27th of this year.

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