Rant Session, 2/13/02

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Feb 13, 2002.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    If there’s one thing that bothers me, it’s someone with a cause; someone that thinks so much of their cause that they feel the need to share it with others. I was listening to the radio yesterday on the way home (a talk station), and they had a Trans-Gendered person on there that sounded like a female. Basically, she was born biologically female, but shows male characteristics (I don’t see how someone could be born biologically female and show male characteristics without having a Y chromosome, but I digress) – basically, a chick with a dick.

    She was going on about how she’s affiliated with the ‘LGBTG movement,’ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans-gendered) a gaggle of freaks that want public recognition and acceptance. She’s lobbying for the inclusion of separate restrooms in college campuses across the nation strictly for LGBTG people. Apparently, it’s an inconvenience for these freaks to use a regular restroom. She whined on about how in a university, students that just happen to be genetically defective would be worrying about which restroom to choose instead of their classes.

    Whatever happened to just going into a stall and closing the fucking door? What’s with these fucking people that think just because they were born defective it’s everyone else’s fault (or burden)?!? It’s not my fucking fault you were born with a dick, Mary. You’ve had to deal with this defect for your entire life, there’s no reason I should have to pay more in tuition just to make you feel better and come to terms with your abnormality. Live with it, bitch.

    I fucking swear, people like this should be exterminated as soon as they’re born. That way there would be no fucking problem. You don’t feel like standing at a urinal with your beard and tits? What, you don’t like having your feet point in the wrong direction in the ladies room? Good for you, I give a shit. Here’s a suggestion: How about you take a shit before you leave the goddamn house?!? If you’ve got the balls to talk about your bizarre genetic abnormality over the radio, then I’m sure you’re man enough to deal with the people staring at you as you pick which restroom you’re going to use.
  2. Topper

    Topper New Member

    Did you try making a telephone call to the talk show?
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Did I ever. Waited on hold for 20 fucking minutes - until that she-male was off the air. I'd have given almost anything to fuck with that bitch on the air. Knowing me, I'd probably end the call with something like, "So, wanna go out Friday?"
  4. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Read this arghhhhhhh!and rant some more then scream "Who ate all the pies"
  5. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    Seperate restrooms?!?
    If they are sooo embarrased about their 'condition' would they realy want to advertise it by choosing to use the 'its' room?
    And the odds of someone being born transgender and not getting the op and going to uni (as opposed to choosing a lucrative porn career) must be pritty damn slim indeed. So they want to set up a separate 'it' loo for this one in a billion occurance?
  6. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    And I am glad to see you are helping Wank come to terms with her condition UT.
    it is good to see the fuglites rally round her in her time of need.
  7. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    hmm, i dunno. the bathrooms at the gay bars i have been to have always been really fucking fun. usually a bunch of fags showing me cock (hey, even gay cock is cock) or some dykes that wanna share their blow with me and tell me what great skin and eyes i have. may not be so fun in your college. i dont know. how the hell do they plan on keeping the fag bashers out of there?

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